Engendering Industries

Speeches Shim

Two power line technicians—one male, one female—in their safety gear stand in a lift, preparing to work on power lines during a training exercise
At a Kenya Power safety training, two power line technicians in their safety gear prepare to work on power lines. Kenya Power is integrating gender equity practices throughout their operations with the assistance of USAID's Engendering Industries program.
Ellen Dragotto / USAID
  • Featured Story

    Where are the women?

    USAID’s Engendering Industries supports partners to develop innovative communications, marketing campaigns, and events that normalize and increase the participation of women in male-dominated industries. Read the story

Strengthening Organizations in Male-Dominated Industries through Gender Equality Initiatives

Expanding women’s participation in male-dominated sectors leads to tangible economic empowerment outcomes for women, such as formal employment opportunities and higher income. Increased gender equality also improves an organization’s business performance, helping companies meet their bottom-line by enhancing employee satisfaction, reducing turnover, and driving productivity. Well-functioning organizations are also vital in supporting stronger and more resilient economies.

  • Workforce Gender Equality Accelerated Program

    The Engendering Industries Workforce Gender Equality Accelerated Program is a virtual intensive leadership program that develops the skills and tools needed to increase gender equality, diversity, and inclusion in the workplace. Learn about the program

  • Video

    Gender 101 Training

    This video provides USAID partners with an introduction to the gender equality fundamentals, concepts, and terms needed to advance gender equality, diversity, and inclusion in the workplace. Watch the video

Our Approach

  1. Conduct Groundbreaking Research on Gender Disparity in Male-Dominated Industries
  2. Partner with Organizations to Increase Gender Equality, Create Leadership Opportunities and Develop Talent
  3. Reform the Human Resources Life Cycle to Solidify Long-term Organizational Change

As a result of Engendering Industries’ innovative approach, partner organizations have significantly expanded their talent pools for recruitment and diversified their organizations.

  • Announcement

    Engendering Industries Welcomes New Partners

    USAID’s Engendering Industries program welcomes 13 new partners from 10 countries across Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, and the Middle East. Read the announcement

  • Featured Story

    Advancing Gender Equality in Kosovo’s Energy Sector

    Since joining USAID’s Engendering Industries program, KOSTT—a power utility in Kosovo—has hired seven women, promoted 15 female employees, and extended training opportunities for women to gain the skills needed to advance their careers. Read the story

Our Partners

The strength of the Engendering Industries program is in its collaborative approach. USAID is proud to be adding new partners to our ongoing work with 41 organizations in 27 countries committed to overcoming gender inequality in male-dominated industries, and Georgetown University who is committed to helping build the next generation of leaders.

Last updated: November 03, 2021

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