Training and Field Support Toolkits

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Customized toolkits gather information, resources and tools to help users understand complex global energy problems and design programs to effectively address them.

Clean Energy Lending Toolkit

A toolkit to help the financial industry determine profitability and viability of clean energy lending, with information on assessing capabilities to successfully serve the clean energy lending market. View the toolkit.

Clean and Efficient Cooking Technologies and Fuels

The fuel-efficient cookstoves and clean fuels sector is evolving rapidly, enabling cross-cutting solutions that can achieve greater development impacts. View the toolkit »

Climate Risk Management (CRM)

CRM improves the effectiveness and sustainability of USAID’s energy efforts. USAID implements CRM by systematically assessing, addressing, and adaptively managing climate risk in new strategies, projects, and activities. View the toolkit.


A tool that tracks the conditions for clean energy investment on and off the grid, and provides information on 58 emerging markets in Africa, Asia and Latin America & the Caribbean. View the toolkit.

Energy Efficiency

A toolkit that helps create the most effective combination of energy efficiency policies and programs through a multi-step process focused on country-specific opportunities and resources. View the toolkit.

Gender Based Violence Prevention and Response

This toolkit provides guidance and resources for USAID technical and program officers to integrate gender-based violence prevention and response into energy and infrastructure projects. View the toolkit.

Geospatial Toolkit

Map-based software applications for 23 countries that integrate resource data and other geographic information systems (GIS) data for resource assessment. Access the tools.

Greening the Grid

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory and USAID provide expertly curated information and guidance to support countries in power system transformation and grid modernization. Visit the website.

Mini-Grids Support Toolkit

More than one billion people lack access to modern electricity services, with 80 percent living in rural areas. Mini-grids can extend the socio-economic benefits of electrification in a timely and cost-effective manner. View the toolkit.

Powering Health

Health-care facilities require electricity to maintain perishable supplies and power life-saving technologies. Energy is essential for preventing child and maternal deaths, controlling the HIV/AIDS epidemic, and combating infectious diseases and pandemics. View the toolkit.

Renewable Energy Auctions

Auctions are best practice for procuring least-cost energy. This competitive, transparent process helps countries meet their energy and climate goals and attract investment into their clean energy futures. View the toolkit.

Renewable Energy Data Explorer

This geospatial analysis tool for renewable energy development performs visualization analysis of renewable energy potential under user-defined scenarios for 16 countries to facilitate decision-making, investment and deployment. Use the tool.

Last updated: February 24, 2022

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