Programs & Initiatives

Speeches Shim

  • Latin America and the Caribbean

    Utility Cybersecurity and Grid Digitization

    USAID is supporting countries in improving the resiliency of electricity utilities, regulators, and other energy stakeholders to manage cybersecurity challenges and lead digital transformation efforts. Learn more

Global Programs

  • Global

    Strengthening Utilities and Promoting Energy Reform (SUPER)

    USAID’s SUPER program supports partner country counterparts with priority projects to improve energy sector utility performance. Visit the website

  • Global

    Scaling Up Renewable Energy (SURE)

    Through SURE, USAID helps partner countries power economies with renewable energy, meet international climate commitments, and open markets to private investment and competition. Visit the website

  • Global

    The USAID-NREL Partnership

    USAID and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) are partnering to support clean, reliable and affordable power by helping developing countries with policy, planning and deployment support for advanced energy technologies. View more information

  • Global

    Energy Efficiency for Development

    This global initiative provides technical resources and expert advice to USAID partner countries in advancing energy efficiency strategies and achieving more resilient and sustainable economic development. View more information

  • Global

    Energy Regulatory Partnership Program

    Developing partnerships between U.S., third country and developing country regulators to share best practices and improve regulatory practices in developing countries to help attract investment, advance clean energy and strengthen sector oversight. View more information

  • Global

    Engendering Industries

    This program works with organizations in male-dominated industries to increase economic opportunities for women, improve gender equality, boost business performance, and strengthen economies. Visit the website

  • Global

    Powering Agriculture

    To support economic growth and reduce extreme poverty and hunger in developing countries, Powering Agriculture supported innovators developing and deploying clean energy solutions within the agriculture sectors of developing countries. Visit the website

  • Global

    Development Innovation Ventures

    Bringing new ideas for solving problems by using a tiered, evidence-based funding model to test ideas, gather evidence and support proven solutions. Visit the website

  • Global

    Energy Utility Partnership Program

    Facilitating strategic partnerships between U.S., third country and developing country partner utilities to share best practices and expand global access to sustainable energy to promote the transition to a low-emission, climate-resilient world. Visit the website

  • Global

    Private Financing Advisory Network

    A global network of climate and clean energy financing experts that aims to bridge the gap between entrepreneurs developing climate and clean energy projects and private sector investors. Visit the website

Regional Programs

  • Asia-Pacific

    Asia EDGE – Enhancing Development and Growth Through Energy

    This whole-of-government initiative will grow sustainable and secure energy markets across the Asia-Pacific region and level the playing field for private sector firms. Visit the website

  • Sub-Saharan Africa

    Power Africa

    Bringing together technical and legal experts, the private sector, and governments from around the world to work in partnership to increase the number of people with access to power. Visit the website

  • Sub-Saharan Africa

    Scaling Off Grid Energy

    Accelerating growth in the off-grid energy market to provide 20 million households in sub-Saharan Africa with access to modern, clean and affordable electricity. Visit the website

  • Southeast Asia

    Clean Power Asia

    Helping countries in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) region attract greater and more diverse sources of investment for renewable energy sources. Visit the website

  • Jamaica, Eastern Caribbean

    Caribbean Clean Energy Program

    Supporting energy efficiency through policies and incentives that promote greater public/private sector investment in clean energy development. Read the final report

  • South Asia

    South Asia Regional Initiative for Energy Integration

    Promoting integration of energy systems and enhancing cross border energy trade among participating South Asian countries. Visit the website

  • Latin America and the Caribbean

    Utility Cybersecurity and Grid Digitization

    USAID is supporting countries in improving the resiliency of electricity utilities, regulators, and other energy stakeholders to manage cybersecurity challenges and lead digital transformation efforts. Learn more

Country Programs

  • Bangladesh

    Developing Renewable Energy in Bangladesh

    SURE supported the Government of Bangladesh to enhance private sector engagement, energy security, competitive and transparent renewable energy procurement, and institutional capacity to integrate affordable renewable energy. Visit the website

  • Colombia

    Reverse Energy Auction Design Support

    USAID is helping Colombia develop policy, regulatory, and business environments to procure renewable energy through auctions. The auction represents an opportunity to bring low-cost renewable energy, while promoting investment in Colombia’s energy sector. Visit the website

  • Democratic Republic of the Congo

    Power Sector Reform

    Providing technical assistance and training to support the national power sector strategy and establish a Regulatory Authority and Rural Electrification Agency. Read the final report

  • India

    Partnership to Accelerate Clean Energy

    Supporting research and deployment of clean energy through PACE-R (research) and PACE-D (deployment) initiatives, and promoting energy access through its PEACE initiative. Visit the website

  • Indonesia

    Indonesia Clean Energy Development II

    Improving the governance of clean energy development in Indonesia, with an emphasis on establishing an effective policy, regulatory and incentive environment for low-emission growth in the energy sector. Read the final report

  • Kazakhstan

    Energy Auctions for Kazakhstan’s Green Economy

    Despite being a fossil fuel-based economy with a surplus of energy, Kazakhstan has a successful renewable energy auction program that is transforming its energy sector and diversifying its energy mix. Visit the website

  • Kosovo

    Energy Reform Project

    Delivering technical assistance and capacity building solutions to local institutions to enable more inclusive and sustained economic development. Read the fact sheet

  • Mexico

    Residential Air Conditioning Electricity Monitoring

    This field study of air conditioning units in Sonora, Mexico provides strong evidence supporting uptake of high-efficiency units. Results may also help in designing effective incentive programs and construction codes. View more information

  • Mozambique

    Support Program for Economic and Enterprise Development

    Advancing reforms in areas such as agriculture, trade & investment, power, water and biodiversity conservation to attract investment, expand markets and promote broad inclusive economic growth. Visit the website

  • Pakistan

    Mangla Dam Rehabilitation Project

    Supporting the rehabilitation of the Mangla hydroelectric power station to add 300 MW to the plant’s generation capacity. Learn more

  • Pakistan

    Tarbela Dam Project

    Supporting the rehabilitation of the Tarbela Hydroelectric Power Station to restore 148 MW of generation capacity and add 648 million kilowatt hours of energy per year. Learn more

  • Philippines

    Building Low Emission Alternatives to Develop Economic Resilience and Sustainability

    Minimizing barriers to clean energy development by streamlining business processes; and promoting interaction between energy developers, financial institutions, and communities. Visit the website

  • Philippines

    Energy Policy and Development Program

    Strengthening capacity to formulate evidence-based policies and strategies for cost-effective energy sector development in the Philippines. Visit the website

Last updated: February 23, 2022

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