Resources for Partners

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USAID values transparency and ease in working with our partners.

At USAID, we work to save lives, reduce poverty, strengthen democratic governance, and help people emerge from crisis. We cannot advance a free, peaceful, and prosperous world without our 4,000+ partners around the world. 

So that you have the support and information you need, we encourage you to explore the following resources and learn about the policies, platforms, and guidelines that will ensure a successful partnership with us:

  • This website is is a free resource hub that empowers partners with the knowledge and networks to navigate how to work with USAID.

  • USAID Partners: This describes the role of USAID’s partners and provides a link to, a searchable database of USAID’s most recent awards.

  • Compliance: This discusses USAID’s Compliance Division, including information on reporting compliance concerns. USAID is dedicated to upholding the integrity of our foreign assistance efforts—and the taxpayer funds entrusted to us—to build a free, peaceful, and prosperous world. 

  • Ombudsman: This explains how the Acquisition and Assistance (A&A) Ombudsman helps to ensure the equitable treatment of all parties participating in USAID's A&A pre-award, post-award, and administration functions. 

  • Acquisition and Assistance Policy Directives (AAPD): This provides the latest updates to A&A policy and requirements.  

  • Development Information Solution (DIS): This describes the Agency-wide portfolio management system, which harnesses USAID’s rich data and facilitates evidence-based decision-making. 

  • Procurement Executive Bulletins (PEBs): These are notices issued to USAID Contracting and Agreement Officers on general guidance, best practices, policy reminders, and frequently asked questions.

  • Indirect Cost Rate Guide for Nonprofit Organizations: This explains the requirements for the determination of indirect cost rates for application on cost reimbursable grants and other agreements awarded by USAID.

  • Implementing Partner Notices Portals (IPN Portals): This allows you to view proposed universal bilateral modifications/amendments for awards, which can be accessed electronically by registered partners and USAID staff.

  • Branding and Marking and USAID Style Guide: These two guides illustrate how to use USAID’s identity in your programs and delineate USAID's style and language preferences and guidelines.

  • Automated Directives System (ADS): This includes the policies and procedures that guide the Agency’s programs and operations.

Follow along for the latest news and other information from the Office of Acquisition and Assistance at @WorkWithUSAID.

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If you’re a partner looking to connect with the Agency, send a message to
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Last updated: May 04, 2022

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USAID works with more than 4,000 partners in over 100 countries––experts in these sectors:

•     Agriculture and food security
•     Democracy, human rights, and governance
•     Economic growth and trade
•     Education
•     Environment and global climate change
•     Gender equality and women’s empowerment
•     Global health
•     Humanitarian disaster response and relief
•     Infrastructure
•     Water and sanitation
•     Women’s empowerment
•     Working in crises and conflict