Featured Resources

Speeches Shim

  • White Paper

    Clean Energy and the Circular Economy

    A circular economy for renewable energy equipment can create a lower-emission supply chain for materials, reduce waste, and create economic opportunities. Read the paper

USAID’s energy resources provide thought leadership, sector analysis and technical guidance for development professionals, implementers and policymakers.

  • Case Study

    Energy Efficiency Standards and Labeling in South Africa

    This case study demonstrates the multi-benefits of energy efficiency and how technical assistance can help countries address information gaps by supporting the development of key datasets that underpin energy efficiency policies and programs. Read the case study

  • Report

    Unlocking Africa’s Mini-Grid Market

    This study will assist African Union member states to create an enabling environment for private sector engagement for the deployment and implementation of mini-grids to improve electricity access and rural productivity. Read the report

  • Primer

    Scaling Up Energy Efficiency in Developing Countries

    This document highlights the building blocks of solid energy efficiency policy planning and implementation in developing economies and provides practical information and strategies for implementation. Read the primer

  • Guide

    Designing Renewable Energy Auctions: A Policymaker’s Guide

    The Policymaker’s Guide introduces key auction design concepts for energy ministries, utilities, regulators, and other stakeholders who make decisions on the design of renewable energy auctions. Read the guide

  • Guide

    Environmental and Natural Resource Management (ENRM) Framework

    Agency-wide guidance to recognize the importance of ENRM to nearly everything USAID is trying to help our partner countries achieve on their Journey to Self-Reliance. Read the framework

  • Primer

    Utility-Scale Wind and Solar in Emerging Markets—Private Sector Perspectives

    De-risking private sector investment in emerging markets will facilitate scaling up deployment of renewable energy to meet climate, air quality, energy access, and energy security goals. Read the primer

  • Case Study

    Gender-Responsive Geothermal Generation

    LaGeo, a geothermal energy utility in El Salvador, developed strategies to adhere to national laws on gender equality and national development goals, powering positive outcomes. Read the study

  • Report

    Best Practices for Performance-Based Management Contracts

    Performance-based management contracts are frequently used in efforts to reform struggling electric utilities. This study of several contracts identify best practices in structuring contracts for success. Read the report

  • Webinar

    Mini-Grids in Emerging Markets

    An expert panel of developers and investors from the private sector discuss how to unlock the growing mini-grid market in the developing world. Watch the webinar

  • Webinar

    Smart Grid Technology in Emerging Markets

    An expert panel of developers and investors from the private sector discuss how to unlock the growing smart grid technology market in the developing world. Watch the webinar

  • Webinar

    Scaling Up Energy Efficiency Investment in Emerging Markets

    An expert panel of developers and investors from the private sector discuss how to unlock the growing energy efficiency market in the developing world. Watch the webinar

  • Webinar

    Utility-Scale Wind and Solar in Emerging Markets

    An expert panel of private sector developers and investors discuss how to unlock the growing utility scale wind and solar market in the developing world. Watch the webinar

  • Guide

    Practical Guide to Women in Energy Regulation

    This guide provides strategies for energy regulators to better integrate women in multiple facets of energy regulation, including employment, energy regulatory policy, and energy infrastructure projects. Read the guide

  • Primer

    Self-Reliance Through Electricity System Loss Reduction

    This technical note from USAID’s energy specialists explains electricity system losses and why development practitioners should care about them. The note also includes strategies to address losses in communities that are particularly difficult to serve such as urban squatter settlements. Read the primer

  • Fact Sheet

    Mobilizing Finance and Investment for Clean Energy

    An approach to increase grid-connected clean energy across the Lower Mekong by planning for high renewable energy scenarios, fostering supportive policy frameworks, and mobilizing public and private investment. Read the fact sheet

  • Infographic

    Promoting Solar Energy in Haiti

    Increased availability of consumer financing for clean energy products and services has positive economic and social impacts. This infographic documents the work of an innovative partnership to expand access to solar products and business opportunities in Haiti. View the infographic

  • Report

    The Impact of Distributed Photovoltaic Adoption on Utility Revenues and Retail Electricity Tariffs in Thailand

    Analysis of electricity tariffs in Thailand, the efficacy of compensation schemes for adoption, and their impact on utility revenues and retail tariffs. Read the report

  • Primer

    Grid-Connected Distributed Generation: Compensation Mechanism Basics

    Describes metering and billing arrangements of compensation mechanisms for grid-connected, behind-the-meter distributed generation (DG) systems. Read the primer

  • Guide

    Renewable Energy Zone (REZ) Transmission Planning

    A guidebook to help power system planners, key decisionmakers, and stakeholders understand and use the REZ transmission planning process to integrate transmission expansion and renewable energy generation planning. Read the guide

  • Report

    Energizing Equality

    An assessment of the integration of gender equality principles in national energy policies and frameworks worldwide. Read the report

  • Report

    Gender Equality in Renewable Energy in the Lower Mekong

    An overview of renewable energy sectors in the Lower Mekong countries, an assessment of gender issues within the sectors, and recommendations for promoting gender equality and responsiveness. Read the report

  • Guide

    Powering Agriculture Gender Guidance Resources

    Six topical guides from the Powering Agriculture Grand Challenge focusing on integrating gender into the development and deployment of clean energy solutions for the agricultural sector. Read the guides

  • Report

    Cost-Benefit Analysis of Off-Grid Solar Investments

    Presents a cost-benefit analysis (CBA) of four off-grid solar energy investments in East Africa through USAID’s Development Innovation Ventures (DIV). Read the report

  • Report

    Women at the Forefront of the Clean Energy Future

    A white paper on the implementation of gender responsive clean energy and climate change mitigation initiatives. Findings identify and address knowledge gaps and provide recommendations for actions and further research. Read the report

Last updated: February 23, 2022

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