Developing Renewable Energy in Bangladesh

Speeches Shim

Photomontage of wind turbines in front of the flag of Bangladesh
USAID supported the Government of Bangladesh to enhance private sector engagement, energy security, competitive and transparent renewable energy procurement, and institutional capacity to integrate affordable renewable energy.
© Антон Медведев / Adobe Stock
  • Workshop

    Key Achievements and a Way Forward

    This virtual workshop highlights the accomplishments of USAID energy partners in Bangladesh, discusses lessons learned, and passes on recommendations and best practices that can be applied to future energy programs. View the workshop

SURE supported the Government of Bangladesh to enhance private sector engagement, energy security, competitive and transparent renewable energy procurement, and institutional capacity to integrate affordable renewable energy.

Bangladesh is on a trajectory to become a middle-income country and is striving to become a developed nation by 2041. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, forecasts pointed to increasing national demand for electricity resulting from economic and population growth. Transitioning to clean energy would allow Bangladesh to diversify its power mix, reduce the risks associated with the volatile prices of fossil fuels, and decrease the negative environmental impacts of thermal power generation.

Between 2019 and 2021, USAID’s Scaling Up Renewable Energy (SURE) program helped Bangladesh power economic growth and mitigate climate change. SURE supported the Government of Bangladesh’s (GoB’s) efforts to meet bold international climate commitments by strengthening institutional capacity in Bangladesh to produce affordable renewable energy and supporting competitive and transparent renewable energy procurements. SURE also partnered with the GoB to engage the private sector to enhance energy security and independence. Through SURE, USAID’s technical experts provided renewable energy planning, procurement, and grid integration support services, including training, tools, and resources to help policymakers, utilities, and regulators modernize energy sectors and create policies that enable renewable energy markets to flourish.

In Bangladesh, SURE developed four white papers that supported the design and implementation of renewable energy programs, engaged 61 institutions on clean energy issues, and trained 153 people in clean energy. USAID and SURE designed trainings and tools to help policymakers, power utilities, and regulators be more strategic, effective, and innovative—thereby achieving better development results. SURE worked with the Bangladesh Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources and regulators to create the necessary environment for renewable energy to thrive. Bangladesh adopted policies and regulations that enabled governments to support the integration of variable renewable energy and catalyze private investment.

Through the SURE program, USAID helped Bangladesh accelerate the country’s clean energy transition. With SURE’s support, the GoB is better able to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reap the social and economic benefits of renewable energy. More people now have the skills to transition to the clean energy economy, and more institutions are better equipped to respond to energy and climate challenges.

  • Final Report

    SURE Final Report 2019–2021 – Bangladesh

    This final report summarizes all work done under the Scaling Up Renewable Energy Bangladesh Activity from October 2019 to May 2021. It also provides recommendations for future energy programs. Read the report

  • White Paper

    Power Sector Reforms in Bangladesh

    This white paper assesses Bangladesh’s needs and drivers for electricity sector reforms, provides an overview of a reform model, and makes further recommendations for the country’s power system. Read the white paper

  • Workshop

    Key Achievements and a Way Forward

    This virtual workshop highlights the accomplishments of USAID energy partners in Bangladesh, discusses lessons learned, and passes on recommendations and best practices that can be applied to future energy programs. View the workshop

  • White Paper

    Renewable Energy Implementation Action Plan: Bangladesh

    This white paper analyzes Bangladesh’s future power generation capacity plans, examines targets in policies that promote utility-scale renewable energy, and proposes an alternative development path that leads to energy security. Read the white paper

  • White Paper

    Bangladesh: System-Friendly Renewable Energy Procurement

    The white paper analyzes design solutions for system-friendly renewable energy procurement in Bangladesh and provides recommendations on their implementation. Read the white paper

  • White Paper

    Challenges in the Development of VRE in Bangladesh

    Energy stakeholders outline barriers to scaling up variable renewable energy (VRE) in Bangladesh and present solutions to spur growth in grid-connected renewables. Read the white paper

  • Webinar

    Bangladesh Renewable Energy Development Webinar Series 2

    Focused on Bangladesh, this second webinar series introduces common best practices and emerging solutions that help countries efficiently deliver renewable energy technologies to the grid. View the webinar

  • Webinar

    Bangladesh Renewable Energy Development Webinar Series 1

    Focused on Bangladesh, this webinar series provides fundamental knowledge and resources to make informed decisions about renewable energy procurement and wind project development. View the webinar

Mother holding her son in nature. Wind turbines in the background.
Through the Scaling Up Renewable Energy program, USAID helps partner countries power economies with renewable energy, meet international climate commitments, and open markets to private investment and competition.
© Viktor Pravdica / Adobe Stock

USAID’s Scaling Up Renewable Energy (SURE) program helps partner countries meet bold climate commitments by accelerating their transition to more affordable, reliable, and accessible energy that spurs growth, powers health systems, and reduces emissions. Through SURE, USAID provides a variety of services to help policymakers, utilities, and regulators plan, procure, and integrate renewable energy, modernize energy sectors, and create policies that enable sustainable energy markets to flourish. As more countries aim to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050 and reduce hazardous waste, SURE’s Innovation Fund supports clean energy technology, energy efficiency innovation, and a circular economy for renewable energy equipment.

Last updated: February 17, 2022

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