Senegal: Analyzing Competitive Bids for Power Generation

Speeches Shim

Closeup shot of two businesswomen analysing graphs in an office
Senegal explores relevant technical and financial requirements for in-house competitive bidding processes.
© Sean Anthony Eddy / Getty Images

Senegal explores relevant technical and financial requirements for in-house competitive bidding processes.

USAID supports partner countries to accelerate the clean energy transition by helping design and implement auctions that can rapidly scale clean energy at low prices and advance national economic and clean energy goals. USAID provides support for auctions through bilateral and regional energy programs and a variety of programs managed out of Washington, D.C.

USAID/Senegal, through its partnership with the National Association of Regulatory Commissioners (NARUC), brought together representatives from the state of Washington’s utility and transportation commission (UTC) and the State of New Jersey’s Board of Public Utilities for a workshop, “Analyzing Competitive Bids for Power Generation,” in Dakar, Senegal, April 16–18, 2019. The workshop focused on helping the Senegalese Energy Regulatory Commission (CRSE) identify relevant technical and financial requirements for in-house competitive bidding processes. Participants from the Ministry of Energy and Senelec also attended. USAID and auction experts provided presentations on competitive procurement, with a focus on global examples from nearly every continent.

International Experience with Implementing Clean Energy Auctions (PPTX 1MB)

Trainers presented on the importance of tailoring auction design to a country's policy goals, energy market, and institutional readiness. The presentation cites the successes and challenges faced by selected countries in the design and implementation of renewable auction programs.

Comparative Analysis of Competitive Procurement Mechanisms (PPTX 705K)

Trainers analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of procurement tools, including feed-in tariffs, negotiated procurement, and auctions. The presentation included international experiences with design elements related to project site selection, prequalification requirements, and financial guarantees and penalties.

Happy woman relaxing with wind generators turbines beautiful sunset background.
Happy woman relaxing with wind generators turbines beautiful sunset background in Khao Kho mountain, Petchabun, Thailand.
© theeraphong / Adobe Stock

Auctions are best practice for procuring least-cost energy. This competitive, transparent process helps countries meet their energy and climate goals and attract investment into their clean energy futures.

In today’s rapidly evolving renewable energy marketplace, it can be challenging to keep track of current best practices in renewable energy policy, innovations, and market trends. USAID developed the Renewable Energy Auction Toolkit to help international development professionals, energy ministries, utilities, policymakers, and regulators to design and successfully implement energy auctions that expand access to affordable and sustainable clean energy.

Mother holding her son in nature. Wind turbines in the background.
Through the Scaling Up Renewable Energy program, USAID helps partner countries power economies with renewable energy, meet international climate commitments, and open markets to private investment and competition.
© Viktor Pravdica / Adobe Stock

USAID’s Scaling Up Renewable Energy (SURE) program helps partner countries meet bold climate commitments by accelerating their transition to more affordable, reliable, and accessible energy that spurs growth, powers health systems, and reduces emissions. Through SURE, USAID provides a variety of services to help policymakers, utilities, and regulators plan, procure, and integrate renewable energy, modernize energy sectors, and create policies that enable sustainable energy markets to flourish. As more countries aim to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050 and reduce hazardous waste, SURE’s Innovation Fund supports clean energy technology, energy efficiency innovation, and a circular economy for renewable energy equipment.

Last updated: February 17, 2022

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