Power Africa in Madagascar

Speeches Shim


The page below gives an overview of the energy sector in Madagascar, and explains Power Africa's involvement.

A mini-grid in Madagascar
Off-grid electrification solutions, such as mini-grids, can play a vital role in electrifying Madagascar’s rural areas.
Henri Fraise Fils & Cie


Population: 26.26 million | GDP (1): $13.85 billion

Madagascar has substantial natural resources, including hydro, wind and solar. Diesel is prominent, resulting in localized costs that can run as high as $0.70-0.80/kWh. High tariff rates result in low collection rates, and subsequent plant failures due to unfunded maintenance. The utility requires ongoing financial support. Access rates are low countrywide, and very low in rural areas. There are seafood processing areas in the south that would economically benefit from cold chain storage, if it were made available.


  • Total Installed Capacity (2): 969 MW

    • Hydro: 18%
    • Gas: 2%
    • Solar: 2%
    • Other: 78%

Power Africa new MW to date at financial close: 0 MW


  • Current Access Rate (3): 25%
    • Urban: 46%
    • Rural: 12%
  • Power Africa new connections: 35,693


U.S. Government Electrifies 10 Rural Health Clinics; 25 More Underway

USAID is bringing solar power to 35 clinics, improving health care for 140,000 in northeast Madagascar. USAID and Power Africa awarded three companies in Madagascar a combined $1.2 million in grant funding to develop mini-grids that will bring electricity to more than 5,200 rural homes and businesses. (mg.usembassy.gov)

Power Africa Awards $1.2 Million in Grants for the Development of Mini-Grids in Madagascar

Power Africa, through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), awarded grants totaling $1.2 million to mini-grid developers lighting up more than 5,200 households and businesses in rural Madagascar. The winners are: Autarsys Madagascar, Henri Fraise Fils & Cie, and Hydro Ingénierie Etudes et Réalisations (HIER).

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  1. https://data.worldbank.org/country/madagascar
  2. https://www.africa-energy.com/database/datatool
  3. https://www.iea.org/reports/sdg7-data-and-projections/access-to-electricity

Last updated: October 05, 2021

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