Power Africa in Côte d`Ivoire

Speeches Shim

Côte d`Ivoire



Power Africa has supported the development of 649 megawatts (MW) of electricity generation projects in Côte d’Ivoire. In addition, various firms have received U.S. Embassy support to move transactions forward. The page below gives an overview of the energy sector in Côte d'Ivoire Burkina Faso, and lists Power Africa’s financially closed transactions in the country, some of which are already online and generating critical electricity supply for the people of Côte d’Ivoire.


Population: 25.07 million | GDP (1): $40 billion

Economic growth and electricity demand in Côte d’Ivoire are projected to continue increasing as investment grows across all sectors, particularly manufacturing and mining. The Government has committed to meeting demand growth by increasing installed generation capacity by approximately 150 MW each year, mostly through IPPs. It also plans to diversify the generation mix to include a larger share of hydropower, biomass, solar, and potentially imported liquified natural gas (LNG). While the country’s electricity grid is relatively expansive and access rates are high, the actual share of household connections is low – largely due to the upfront cost of grid connections and limited off-grid policies and incentives. The government launched a five-year Electricity for All program (Programme Electricité Pour Tous, or “PEPT”) in 2014 to improve the national connectivity rate by subsidizing grid connection costs for low-income households. Progress has been made but the government continues to improve the enabling environment for connections and is strengthening the off-grid sector to encourage private investment. 


  • Total Installed Capacity (2): 2,105 MW

    • Hydro: 879 MW
    • Natural Gas: 557 MW
    • Other/HFO: 49 MW
    • Biomass: 47 MW
    • Diesel: 573 MW

Power Africa new MW to date at financial close: 649 MW


  • Current Access Rate (3): 63%
    • Urban: >95%
    • Rural: 32%
  • Power Africa new connections: 183,271



Updated: May 02, 2019

Azito Power Plant Phase III (Natural Gas – 130MW)

Financial Close Date: 04/06/2015
Commercial Operations Date: 06/30/2015
Estimated Project Cost: $N/A
Overview: The Azito Power Plant Expansion Project Phase III consisted of upgrading the existing Azito gas-fired power station from a simple cycle to a combined-cycle plant by the addition of two heat recovery steam generators, a steam turbine generator and one steam condenser with an associated closed loop, and an air-cooled cooling water system. The project improved the efficiency of the plant by recovering energy currently disposed of as heat in the turbine exhaust gases, and bringing the installed capacity of the Azito plant from 280-290 MW to 420 MW, an increase of 50%. With this upgrade, the plant’s efficiency, about 29.5% currently (Phases I and II) increased to about 44% (for the same gas consumption).  The project was the third phase in the construction of the Azito power generation facility, with two earlier phases completed in 1999 and 2000.


  1. https://data.worldbank.org/country/cote-divoire
  2. https://www.africa-energy.com/database/datatool
  3. https://www.iea.org/reports/sdg7-data-and-projections/access-to-electricity

Last updated: January 18, 2022

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