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Enabling Inclusive Economic Growth to Create High-Value Employment

Language: English | Georgian

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Georgia has made progress implementing effective policies for economic governance and enabling dynamic economic growth.  However, the country’s advancement is still impeded by a lack of high-value employment opportunities for the majority of citizens.  To date, economic growth has not resulted in jobs for citizens.  Under the 2020-2025 CDCS, USAID will shift its focus toward helping Georgia’s private sector innovate, attract foreign investment, and reach more lucrative markets, resulting in increased revenues and higher-paying jobs for Georgia’s workers.  USAID programming will enable inclusive economic growth by helping Georgia fully implement Euro-Atlantic-oriented economic reforms and support key sectors of the economy to become more competitive.  That includes efforts to ensure that Georgian firms have access to lucrative markets, diverse sources of investment, sustainably-managed natural resources, and a workforce trained to meet the needs of the labor market.

Our Programming to Enable High-Value Employment

USAID/Georgia funds a number of programs implemented by domestic and international partners that catalyze economic growth, job creation, and economic linkages with the West. Learn more about USAID/Georgia’s programs here. For more information, visit our Programming page. 



Last updated: March 04, 2021

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