• USAID Supports the Food Processing Industry

  • USAID is giving young people the tools to innovate

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Language: English | Georgian
#WeAreSakartvelo - Integration of Ethnic Minorities
USAID Helps Launch State-Of-The-Art Physical Rehabilitation Center
USAID Helps Launch State-Of-The-Art Physical Rehabilitation Center
USAID Engages Private Sector to Protect Georgia's Crops from Pests
USAID Engages Private Sector to Protect Georgia's Crops from Pests

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About Georgia

Georgia is a key U.S. ally in the Caucasus region and a gateway for energy resources from the Caspian Sea to Europe and beyond. The Government of Georgia is committed to advancing democratic and economic reforms, strengthening the rule of law, and improving social services. Georgia’s 2012 Parliamentary Elections were historic and represented the first peaceful, competitive, and constitutional transfer of power in the region.

USAID began operating in Georgia in 1992. For 27 years, the American people have provided over $1.8 billion in assistance to Georgia through USAID. Building on this successful partnership, the U.S. Government dedicates approximately $40 million annually to 50 wide-reaching programs that support Georgia’s democratic, free-market, Western orientation.

Initiatives stimulate economic growth, develop democratic institutions, enhance energy security, mitigate climate change, improve education, and foster the increased inclusion of minority and disadvantaged people in Georgia, including those living across ethnic and geographic boundaries. These goals are especially important given Georgia's strengthening relationship with the European Union (EU) following the 2014 Association Agreement.

Contact Information

Mission Contact

29 Georgian-American Friendship Avenue

Last updated: March 24, 2022

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