Georgian Flag


Language: English | Georgian

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Georgia is located at the center of the South Caucasus region on the east coast of the Black Sea, a critical region that links Europe to Asia. Georgia gained independence in 1991 following the dissolution of the Soviet Union and established formal diplomatic relations with the United States the following year. 

Over 29 years of partnership with Georgia, USAID assistance has directly supported U.S. policy objectives to help the country transform into an emerging democracy that is increasingly integrated into western political, security and economic institutions. USAID programs are key to the U.S. Government’s strategy to advance U.S. national security and economic prosperity through focused, results-oriented assistance that enables Georgia’s path to resilience and sustainable development.

Currently, USAID funds more than 35 programs to strengthen Georgia's resilience to malign influence, consolidate democratic gains through enhanced citizen responsive governance, and enable high-value employment through increased economic growth. 

Last updated: March 04, 2021

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