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Speeches Shim

January 5, 2022

In its early days, Seyoun Community College in Hadramout Governorate was known as a pioneer in the technology sector. Established in 2003, the institution prided itself on graduating highly qualified students, armed with an arsenal of skills needed to succeed in the modern Yemeni job market.

November 19, 2021

Abeer and her husband, Abdulbaset, live in harsh conditions in the Ta’izz Governorate of Southern Yemen. Abdulbaset lost his job due to the ongoing political conflict in the country, and like most women in Yemen, Abeer does not work. Despite the challenges they face, they have always wanted children. 

November 17, 2021

As a child growing up in Yemen,  Zakieah Morjan’s only examples of women entrepreneurs were local  seamstresses making clothes in their small workshops. Ms. Morjan loved to sew and dreamt of having her own small enterprise some day.  Eventually, she invested the few resources she had to rent a shop just big enough to fit her sewing machine, and with her sales was able to sustain a small livelihood for herself and her mother. 

November 4, 2021

Today, the United States, through the United States Agency for International Development, announced $4.55 million in urgent COVID-19 assistance for Yemen. This assistance will provide much needed, life-saving oxygen for 25 COVID-19 isolation units and strengthen the country’s COVID-19 response to minimize the risk of the virus. 

October 28, 2021

For 33-year-old, Qais Sadeq Bare’a, the path to a rewarding career has been challenging. Good jobs are hard to come by for young Yemenis and Mr. Bare’a’s marketing degree did not guarantee that he could meet the expectations of the modern labor market.  After graduation he sharpened his skills through a series of different positions, but still struggled finding fulfilling employment.


Last updated: May 02, 2022

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