Flag of Yemen


Speeches Shim

Yemeni girl raises her hand
Out-of-school children attend a class supported by USAID in partnership IRC at Out-Al Nahdah School in Al Azareq district, Al Dhale’e governorate.
Anas Mohammed, IRC Yemen

USAID is reaching vulnerable children in Yemen and providing critical education support to help schools withstand the immediate impact of the conflict.

Yemen is suffering the largest humanitarian crisis in the world, exacerbated by its ongoing conflicts. USAID development assistance in Yemen bridges the relief-to-development continuum and strengthens Yemen’s resilience through programs that stabilize the economy, rebuild basic education and health systems, increase social cohesion, and improve water sector access and management.

As the conflict in Yemen continues, millions of children lack reliable access to school due to widespread displacement, damage to school facilities, lack of educational resources, and general insecurity in the country. These challenges have been compounded by the COVID-19 pandemic.

In partnership with the Ministry of Education, USAID’s education programming addresses the immediate needs of basic education service delivery and the long-term objective of rebuilding a functioning education system.

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Last updated: April 25, 2022

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