Flag of Yemen

Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance

Speeches Shim

Meeting to establish community engagement committees in Lahj district.
Meeting to establish community engagement committees in Lahj district.
Global Communities for USAID

USAID is working with communities to peacefully resolve conflicts and reinforce social cohesion in Yemen.

Yemen is suffering the largest humanitarian crisis in the world, exacerbated by nearly eight years of ongoing conflict. War has severely deepened community vulnerabilities in Yemen, pushing more than 15.6 million people into extreme poverty and landing Yemen at the bottom of UNDP’s Human Development Index (Yemen ranks 179th of 189 countries).  USAID development assistance in Yemen bridges the relief-to-development continuum and strengthens Yemen’s resiliency through programs that stabilize the economy, rebuild basic education and health systems, increase social cohesion, and improve water sector access and management.

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Last updated: April 25, 2022

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