Private Sector Engagement Topics

Speeches Shim

The COVID-19 pandemic has devastated economies, livelihoods, and investments across the countries where we work. USAID is committed to working with the private sector to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.  We value the private sector’s unique expertise and access – to people, technologies, distribution networks, and more – to save lives, to mitigate social and economic impacts, and to build resilient individuals, communities, and institutions. Collaborating with the private sector is vital for effective, timely, and comprehensive responses to the pandemic. 

USAID Response to COVID-19

The Agency’s response to COVID-19 addresses immediate health needs, as well as second-order social, economic, and political impacts — such as gender-based violence and the protection of fundamental freedoms and human rights. Access the latest on USAID’s response here.

Country-Specific Opportunities for Private Sector Support

Private sector companies have a great deal of expertise and can often offer unique support to help solve complex challenges or issues. As we continue to fight the COVID-19 pandemic, USAID, in partnership with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, has selected 10 countries with varying COVID-19 response needs and priorities. The following informational factsheets represent these country-specific COVID-19 response needs and priorities  that may benefit from private sector support. For country-specific questions, or to coordinate assistance, please contact the USAID/Mission contacts listed in each profile with copy to

More Information: 

To contact the team working on mobilizing private sector engagement to support the response, please email,

USAID Private Sector Engagement 

Last updated: March 07, 2022

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