Private Sector Engagement

  • Global: Learning Through Play During Covid-19 And Beyond

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  • Serbia: Crowdinvesting Platform Yields Sweet Success For Dessert Shop

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  • Global: Stopping Wildlife Trafficking In The Airline Sector

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Speeches Shim

Private enterprise is the single most powerful force for lifting lives, strengthening communities, and accelerating sustainable development.

The world is changing, and how we approach development is responding to these changes. Today, private sources represent more than 90 percent of financial flows into emerging markets. Inclusive growth can only be achieved when USAID works with the private sector—as a driver of capital markets— to spur greater development impact. Our approach to global development is enterprise-driven. The Agency is undergoing an intentional shift towards pursuing market-based approaches and investment as a more sustainable way to empower people and communities worldwide.

Why Engage With USAID?

USAID is building dynamic, mutually beneficial partnerships with companies and investors to advance development progress and address many of the obstacles that businesses face – from supply chain stability to community investment and workforce development. Development and business leaders alike recognize that by collaborating and leveraging each other's unique resources, assets, and skill-set, we can tackle problems together that neither of us could address alone.

A man harvesting tropical plants
A group of people in hard hats and high visibility vests
A group of people
Learn how USAID is working with the private sector worldwide.
Building private sector partnerships to solve development challenges.
Guidance on working with USAID in the COVID-19 response.

More Information

USAID Private Sector Engagement Policy
Private Sector Engagement Policy: Executive Summary
PSE Points of Contact
The Private Sector Engagement Hub
Private Sector Engagement Job Vacancies

Last updated: April 02, 2021

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