Bureau for Resilience and Food Security

Speeches Shim

USAID has a long history of leadership in international agricultural development, as well as nutrition and water security, sanitation and hygiene. In the past decade, the Agency has helped partner countries make significant strides in reducing poverty, hunger, malnutrition and water insecurity.

But shocks and stresses like droughts and floods threaten progress toward a resilient and prosperous world. Through its Bureau for Resilience and Food Security, USAID works with a host of partners to advance inclusive agriculture-led growth, resilience, nutrition, and water security, sanitation and hygiene in priority countries to help them accelerate and protect development progress. 

The Bureau leads coordination of the U.S. Government's Feed the Future initiative to achieve the goals of the U.S. Government Global Food Security Strategy to reduce hunger, poverty and malnutrition. It also leads implementation of the U.S. Government Global Water Strategy to reach more families and communities with clean water and safe sanitation. Additionally, the Bureau oversees contributions across the Agency to the USAID Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Strategy and efforts to strengthen resilience in areas of recurrent humanitarian crisis. 

The Bureau is home to USAID's Centers for Agriculture-Led Growth, Resilience, Nutrition, and Water Security, Sanitation and Hygiene. These Centers coordinate and lead efforts across the Agency to provide strategic, programmatic, analytical and global leadership within their respective areas.

The Bureau leads three of USAID's Leadership Councils: the Nutrition Leadership Council, the Resilience Leadership Council, and the Water Leadership Council. As a formal internal structure, these councils provide high-level coordination and integration of critical development efforts where resources and decision-making are spread across the Agency. 

To learn more about our responses and guidance on responding to and mitigating COVID-19’s impact on food security, WASH and nutrition while strengthening resilience, please check out the resources here.

Join our team! Check out this page for vacancy announcements within the bureau. 

Jim Barnhart
Assistant to the Administrator
Maura Barry Boyle
Senior Deputy Assistant Administrator and Interim Global Water Coordinator
Alexious Butler
Acting Deputy Assistant Administrator
Mike Michener
Deputy Assistant Administrator

Last updated: October 07, 2021

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