Office of Food for Peace

Speeches Shim

On July 10, 1954, President Eisenhower signed into law the legislation that would eventually become known as the Food for Peace Act. As a result, the Food for Peace program has been bringing help and hope to the far reaches of the world for more than 60 years - reaching more than 4 billion hungry people since its inception. This video celebrates Food for Peace's work, and looks to the future of food assistance.

USAID’s Office of Food for Peace and partners envision a world free of hunger and poverty, where all people live in dignity, peace and security. 

Our Mission

We partner with others to reduce hunger and malnutrition, and ensure that all individuals have adequate, safe and nutritious food to support a healthy and productive life.

Expressing the compassion and generosity of the people of the United States, we mobilize America’s resources to predict, prevent and respond to hunger overseas with food assistance.

Our Work

Alleviating global hunger is critical to U.S. national security: where hunger persists, instability grows. By supporting the world's most vulnerable, Food for Peace is building a more stable world and ensuring that people have the opportunity to lead healthy, productive lives.

Emergency Activities

Through emergency activities, Food for Peace saves lives, reduces suffering and supports the early recovery of people affected by conflict and natural disaster emergencies through food assistance, including refugees.

Development Activities

Food for Peace development activities reduce food insecurity among vulnerable populations for the long-term and help build resilience in communities facing chronic poverty and recurrent crises such as drought. Development food security activities equip people with the knowledge and tools to feed themselves, reducing the need for future assistance.

Nutritional Support Activities

The International Food Relief Partnership (IFRP) provides small grants to predominantly faith-based groups to distribute ready-to-use supplementary food and dried soup mix in primarily institutional settings such as health clinics, schools and community centers. Through these programs, the most vulnerable in their community receive supplementary food designed to address food insecurity.  


Last updated: July 12, 2021

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