Bureau for Europe and Eurasia

Speeches Shim

USAID is proud to partner with the countries of Europe and Eurasia. The region as a whole has undergone a historic transformation in the short time. Young countries have overcome tremendous social, political, and economic hurdles to chart a new course for their citizens, guided by free markets and democratic principles. USAID continues to address those challenges that prevent countries of the region from charting their course toward greater Euro-Atlantic integration. Some of these challenges include pervasive corruption, political stagnation, significant poverty and undeveloped policy and regulatory environments that hold the region back.  As a region of increasing economic importance, our development assistance helps support American trade and investment.  And as home to several NATO allies, our development ties strengthen critical national security bonds.

In Fiscal Year 2020, USAID and the Department of State jointly provided roughly $685 million in development assistance to programs in the Europe & Eurasia region. USAID has Missions, offices, or programs in Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Moldova, Russia, Serbia, and Ukraine. The Bureau also manages U.S. assistance to Greenland, the International Fund for Ireland, and COVID-19 support programs in Italy.

In Washington, the Bureau for Europe and Eurasia comprises four offices that support our mission.

  • The Office of the Assistant Administrator (EE/AA) directs and supervises all activities of the Bureau and its overseas operations. The Office also includes the Administrative Management Staff (EE/AMS), that oversees management activities such as personnel assignment, organization management, and administrative support.
  • The Program Office (EE/PO) provides leadership for Bureau planning, program policy development, operating and program budget planning and implementation, performance monitoring, reporting, and evaluation, as well as support for project development and implementation. The Office is comprised of two divisions: the Strategic Planning and Analysis Division and the Financial Services Division.
  • The Technical Support Office (EE/TSO) provides expertise, analysis, and project management in support of the Bureau’s core objective of pursuing democratic governance and economic reform as mutually reinforcing objectives. Open, democratic, low-corruption societies are the most economically competitive, and progress in these areas is crucial to Euro-Atlantic integration. TSO is organized into three divisions: Democracy and Governance, Economic Growth, and Energy.
  • The Office of Europe and Eurasia Country Affairs (EE/EECA) provides field Mission representation in Washington and provides the Bureau and interagency colleagues with resident expertise on country conditions and on USAID’s programs to inform decisions, policies, and priorities.
Lisa Magno
Senior Deputy Assistant Administrator
Erin Elizabeth McKee
Assistant Administrator
Mark Simakovsky
Deputy Assistant Administrator
Dr. Alexander Sokolowski
Deputy Assistant Administrator, Bureau for Europe and Eurasia

Last updated: April 29, 2022

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