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USAID/Libya Country Profile


Since 2011, USAID has partnered with national and sub-national Libyan institutions, civil society, and the private sector to strengthen the foundations of a more unified Libyan state. Through its humanitarian, stabilization, and development assistance, USAID is responding to the immediate needs of conflict-affected Libyans; supporting Libyans to address drivers of instability and conflict; and promoting transparent and accountable governance for all Libyans.  



Libya Elections and Legislative Strengthening Activity (LELSA)

2018-2023 • Total Estimated Cost (TEC) $40 million • Implemented by The Consortium for Elections and Political Process Strengthening - National Democratic Institute and International Foundation for Electoral Systems

LELSA increases the capacity of Libya’s election bodies to manage electoral processes effectively and transparently. It improves voter and civic education and supports civil society–particularly ethnic minorities, persons with disabilities, women, and youth–to take an active role in the political process.

Local Governance and Civil Society (LGCS)

2019-2023 • TEC $39 million • Implemented by DAI Global, LLC

LGCS, locally known as Taqarib, works toward a more unified Libyan state by supporting community-led activities that improve service delivery and accountable governance. The activity promotes stronger links between government institutions and citizens and strengthens civil society’s role in public oversight.

Promoting Leadership and Activism of Youth (PLAY) for Peace in Libya

2020-2022 • TEC $1.5 million • Implemented by International Rescue Committee

PLAY for Peace strengthens youth-to-youth relationships and promotes youth civic participation in Tawergha, Bani Walid, and Misrata.  PLAY promotes reconciliation through positive interaction and aims to reduce the likelihood of violence in the target communities.


Libya Public Financial Management (LPFM)

2019-2024 • TEC $23.3 million • Implemented by The Pragma Corporation

LPFM supports Libya to strengthen the macroeconomic and fiscal foundations for sustainable and inclusive growth. This activity advances transparent and accountable public financial management and reforms within key economic institutions to enhance their effectiveness and support their unification.

Africa Trade and Investment (ATI) 

2022-2026 • TEC $500,000 • Implemented by DAI Global, LLC 

ATI is part of the U.S. government’s Prosper Africa Initiative.  ATI aims to boost trade, increase investment, and support Libya’s business environment by mobilizing private sector-driven solutions and creating a healthy business environment needed for building sustainable partnerships.


Libya Transition Initiative (LTI)

2021-2023 • TEC $22 million • Implemented by Chemonics International, Inc.

LTI supports local projects in strategic areas across Libya to strengthen stability and conditions enabling political compromise. Activities address pressing community grievances, restore basic services, support civilian institutions, and strengthen moderate actors in civil society and local government.


USAID’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA) has invested more than $50 million in Libya since 2011 to address the immediate needs of internally displaced and returning populations and assist communities affected by conflict. BHA provides support in areas of health, protection, humanitarian coordination and information management, and logistics. 


Since the onset of COVID-19, USAID has provided more than $20 million to support Libya’s response to the pandemic. USAID is building on its partnerships with Libyan institutions and civil society to spearhead donor support to the health sector, coordinate self-saving assistance, and prioritize investments to respond to evolving public health needs by ensuring delivery of essential services.

Last updated: May 02, 2022

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