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Despite progress in some areas of media development, the media sector in the Western Balkans remains fragile and under threat. Weak economies and long periods of the political capture of media and advertising markets have left independent media, particularly online outlets, unable to compete with the entertaining, yet biased, pro-government news outlets. Media are also challenged to collect and analyze demographic and audience interest data, which hinders effective business strategies that create monetized products and services to expand audience reach. Public trust in media continues to be low and audiences are increasingly unable to get information on issues that affect their daily lives. Further, as journalists often lack access to technology and have limited skills to use it, they struggle to produce multimedia material, such as infographics or videos, through which they can provide balanced information that the average media consumer can use. To address these issues, USAID contributes to North Macedonia’s efforts to increase the accountability of government institutions and of citizens, as well as their ability to counter corruption, by strengthening independent media.

Since 2018, North Macedonia has been ranked among the European countries which are least resilient to malign influence from disinformation campaigns. This leads to societal divisions, lack of trust, polarization, and reduced social cohesion. At the same time, there is recognition that to become involved in and contribute to democratic processes, all citizens— especially youth— should have highly developed media literacy and critical thinking skills as a foundation for active participation in society. USAID contributes to North Macedonia’s efforts to empower youth to take an active role in the country’s development.

The mobilization of people and resources to address priority issues consistently emerges as a pressing need in Roma communities. Roma remain the most marginalized ethnic group in North Macedonia. Many government strategies and programs aimed at addressing various Roma issues have not produced the expected positive effects on Roma lives. Roma primarily live in segregated communities often lacking the basic infrastructure for quality life, such as paved roads, electricity, water supply, and sewage systems. USAID contributes to North Macedonia’s efforts to promote inclusivity, improve economic security and growth, engage youth in social and economic opportunities, and increase local governments’ responsiveness and accountability to citizens. A fundamental principle for success is local ownership and amplifying local capacity to achieve results.

Gender-based violence (GBV) undermines safety, health, wellbeing, economic potential, and human rights. In addition to the human cost to survivors, GBV has direct and indirect costs for families, communities, and economies, and undermines democratic governance, development, and public health. Staff of organizations that respond to and address GBV often deal with burnout and secondary trauma due to the nature of their work, including physical, psychological, and emotional health problems. Currently, North Macedonia has no official programs or policies in place for GBV staff support. To address GBV effectively, frontline workers who support survivors need support, themselves, to do their jobs. USAID contributes to North Macedonia’s efforts to improve economic security and growth, and increase local governments’ responsiveness and accountability to citizens.

Indonesia is the world's second largest seafood producer. However, overfishing and other destructive practices are jeopardizing fisheries productivity. To sustain productive, profitable fisheries, the United States and Indonesia partner to promote healthier marine ecosystems.

Indonesia is the world's second largest seafood producer. However, overfishing and other destructive practices are jeopardizing fisheries productivity. To sustain productive, profitable fisheries, the United States and Indonesia partner to promote healthier marine ecosystems.

Despite Indonesia’s large and diversified economy, the agricultural sector is still one of the primary drivers of the country’s steady economic growth, providing incomes and livelihoods for millions. However, climate change presents a significant threat to economic growth as well as to the country’s people and environment.

Despite Indonesia’s large and diversified economy, the agricultural sector is still one of the primary drivers of the country’s steady economic growth, providing incomes and livelihoods for millions. However, climate change presents a significant threat to economic growth as well as to the country’s people and environment.

Launched in September 2019, USAID’s Support to Political Pluralism and Governance Processes project supports the pluralism of political ideas based on real-life issues and activities specific to party preparations for the 2020 municipal elections and the 2022 general elections. 

USAID/OTI’s Colombia Transforma Activity works with the Colombian Government to foster sustainable and inclusive peace in the country.  The activity helps implement the 2016 Peace Accord between the Colombian Government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), including rural development, transitional justice, peacebuilding, and reconciliation.


Last updated: July 12, 2024

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