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The Digital Asia Accelerator (“the Accelerator”) aims to advance economic development by increasing businesses’ and citizens’ capacities to use digital technology safely and effectively. The Accelerator is part of the Digital Connectivity and Cybersecurity Partnership, a whole of U.S. government effort to promote an open, interoperable, secure, and reliable internet. USAID’s Accelerator is improving digital safety practices among local businesses and civil society organizations.

“Aumentando el acceso de las mujeres al capital comercial” es una iniciativa creada por USAID/Colombia y el Centro de de Igualdad de Género y Empoderamiento de la Mujer de USAID (USAID/GenDev) cuyo principal propósito es derribar las barreras en las leyes, regulaciones, políticas, prácticas administrativas y normas sociales que impiden que las mujeres colombianas y especialmente aquellas que residen en zonas rurales afectadas por el conflicto armado, puedan acceder a financiación comercial en igualdad de condiciones que los hombres.

“Expanding Women's Access to Commercial Capital” is an initiative created by USAID/Colombia and USAID’s Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment Hub (USAID/GenDev) designed to break down existing barriers in laws, regulations, policies, administrative practices, and social norms that prevent Colombian women – and especially those living in rural areas affected by the armed conflict – from accessing commercial financing on equal terms with men.

The President’s Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 Budget Request for the State Department and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is $60.4 billion, which includes $29.4 billion for USAID fully and partially managed accounts, $1.7 billion (6 percent) above the FY 2022 Request. The Biden-Harris Administration’s Request is a reflection of the critical importance of development and humanitarian assistance in advancing US interests around the world. This Budget will advance USAID efforts to: Fight Transnational Corruption and Advance Democracy; Bolster Humanitarian Assistance; More Than Double Our Commitment to Women’s Empowerment, Equality, and Equity; Revitalize Our Workforce; Restore U.S. Climate Leadership; Address the Root Causes of Irregular Migration; and Reinforce Global Health Leadership.

The Security Awareness and Training Project provides security reports and security awareness and preparedness training to USAID/Colombia staff and implementing partner personnel.  USAID activities are managed by implementing partners, and these partners require appropriate security information, security awareness, and preparedness support to complete USAID’s work in conflict-affected communities. The Security Awareness and Training Project is implemented by Zehirut Ltda., and it runs from May 2021 to April 2023.

The Integra Activity helps the Colombian Government address social, political, and cultural challenges resulting from sustained mass migration from Venezuela.  As of January 2022, over 1.8 million people have fled Venezuela to Colombia. A large percentage of these migrants have settled in Colombia’s urban areas and border towns, causing receptor communities to face unprecedented challenges in terms of socially and economically integrating migrants and returnees. In response to these challenges, Integra is improving the Colombian Government’s border and migration management capacities; strengthening municipal and departmental governments’ capacity to provide migrants access to quality social and justice services; and reducing xenophobia toward migrants. The activity is implemented in urban areas with high concentration of migrants, including Barranquilla, Bogota, Bucaramanga, Cali, Cartagena, Cúcuta, Medellin and Riohacha, and it runs from September 2021 to September 2026.

The Indigenous Peoples and Afro-Colombian Empowerment Activity (IPACE) continues USAID’s long alliance with indigenous and Afro-Colombian communities, otherwise referred to as ethnic communities in Colombia.  IPACE contributes to indigenous and Afro-Colombians communities’ self-determined development by strengthening ethnic organizations’ institutional and advocacy capacity.  The activity also increases ethnic communities’ participation in peace implementation.  IPACE also promotes respect for cultural heritage and diversity, and supports ethnic communities’ development of environmentally sustainable socio-economic opportunities.  IPACE is implemented in Colombia’s Caribbean, Pacific, and Amazon regions, as well as Bogotá.  The activity runs from December 2021 to November 2026. 

Under an interagency agreement with USAID, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) supports U.S. Government efforts in the Asia Pacific region to assist regional and national institutions to combat illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing, encourage sustainable fishing practices, and ensure compliance with U.S. seafood import monitoring requirements. 

Проект нацелен на улучшение жизни населения через повышение качества услуг, предоставляемых органами местного самоуправления (МСУ). В течение четырех лет проект окажет помощь 50 муниципалитетам Жалал-Абадской, Иссык-Кульской, Нарынской и Ошской областей. 

Долбоор жергиликтүү өз алдынча башкаруу (ЖӨБ) органдары тарабынан көрсөтүлүүчү кызматтардын сапатын жакшыртуу аркылуу калктын жашоо-турмушун жакшыртууга багытталган. Долбоор төрт жылдын ичинде Жалал-Абад, Ысык-Көл, Нарын жана Ош облустарынын 50 муниципалитетине жардам көрсөтөт.


Last updated: July 12, 2024

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