Powering Information Communication Technology

Speeches Shim


The activity will collaborate closely with USAID’s Accelerating Timor-Leste’s Autonomous Telecommunications Landscape (ATLATL) project and the Asian Development Bank, who have considerable experience in the ICT and energy sectors..




EDTL, Ministry of Public Works, Technology Information and Communication Office, Prime Minister of Timor-Leste, Asian Development Bank


December 2020 – December 2021

Cooperative Agreement:


Partner Contact:

Mark Dunn, Tetra Tech:

Email: Mark.Dunn@tetratech.com 


USAID Contact:

David Howlett, Activity Manager,

Email: usaid-timor-leste-info@usaid.gov


To address the electricity needs for the anticipated telecommunication advances, Powering ICT will: 1) undertake a political economy analysis of the power and telecom sectors in Timor-Leste; 2) analyze and/or verify the technical capacity of the fiber optic network on EDTL’s power transmission system; 3) recommend a reliable backup power supply system for the fiber network, preferably using renewable energy resources; and 4) develop options for a basic regulatory system/structure to enable transparency, competition, and accountability within the power sector. The activity will collaborate closely with USAID’s Accelerating Timor-Leste’s Autonomous Telecommunications Landscape (ATLATL) project and the Asian Development Bank, who have considerable experience in the ICT and energy sectors. Through this activity, USAID will not only improve its relationship with EDTL and other local stakeholders, but also lay the foundation for future investments in Timor-Leste’s energy sector.

Powering ICT Activity
Powering Information Communication Technology Activity in Timor-Leste

Expected Outcomes

  • EDTL Corporate Assessment: a critical outcome of this activity will be a greater understanding of the needs EDTL will have going forward when telecommunication-related power needs increase considerably. Outreach to EDTL will serve to identify the key government entities, non-government organizations, and development partners that should be engaged to achieve a more private sector orientation by EDTL.
  • Physical Assessment of the Current Grid: Another key outcome will be increased understanding of the current fiber optic and power grid system. A local engineering firm will physically inspect the current telecommunications network, switch stations, and control facilities. With this information, EDTL will have a much better understanding of the maintenance and constructions needs moving forward. The partnership will also have a better understanding of the current and future data transfer capabilities and the system gaps that must be filled in order to support national broadband rollout.
  • Identifying Future Power Needs to Support ICT: With detailed information about future ICT power requirements, the Government of Timor-Leste will be able to identify and procure the required infrastructure and maintenance it needs. The US Government has procurement assistance tools, such as the Development Finance Corporation and the Transaction Advisory Fund, capable of helping Timor-Leste meet or finance those needs.
  • Legislative Reforms: To pave the way for broadband on the EDTL system, the activity will identify the specific legislative and regulatory reforms that must take place for the expansion and maintenance of the fiber optic network. Specifically, this work will be coordinated with the Prime Minister’s Office of Technology, Information, and Communication, and USAID’s ATLATL activity.


Last updated: February 23, 2021

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