
Speeches Shim

OTI Sudan Map

Supporting the consolidation of Sudan’s democratic transformation.


Following months of a nationwide nonviolent movement, the establishment of a civilian-led transitional government in August 2019 represented a historic democratic transformation and an opportunity to further U.S. interests in Sudan and the region. USAID/OTI’s ability to adapt its programming to shifts in the political landscape, while other stakeholders still formulate and solidify their plans, is crucial during the transition period. USAID/OTI’s experience working with governments, civil society, and the media is also essential. USAID/OTI’s flexibility and timely support in fluid environments is critical to seizing narrow windows of opportunity and responding quickly to contextual shifts and new information.


Recognizing the fluidity of the transition period, USAID/OTI prioritized flexibility to remain responsive to changes in Sudan. Programmatic objectives will also evolve accordingly. The USAID/OTI program initially focused on supporting the consolidation of Sudan’s democratic transformation by:

  • Enabling the civilian-led transitional government (CLTG) to demonstrate progress on key transition processes;

  • Strengthening civic engagement; and

  • Expanding independent media.

Examples of such programming included:

  • Providing technical assistance, expertise, analysis and equipment to 24 government institutions; an initial assessment for civil service reform, and work with the Prime Minister's Office Media Communications Unit to counter mis- and disinformation efforts. 

  • Supporting the responsiveness of the CLTG to unforeseen challenges, such as supplying sandbags during historic floods or COVID-19 testing kit supplies. In advance of a spike in prices ahead of Ramadan, USAID/OTI worked to boost production of essential food commodities for Sudanese families.


In light of the changes to the political and operating environment, as of Fall 2021, the USG is conducting a review of foreign policy objectives in Sudan, and OTI objectives are shifting accordingly.  OTI is now focusing on objectives two and three by continuing to expand independent media, strengthen civic engagement, and support civilians advocating for democratic reforms.

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Last updated: December 21, 2021

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