How We Do It

Speeches Shim

Nepal Earthquake DART
After a M7.8 earthquake struck Nepal in April 2015, USAID deployed a Disaster Assistance Response Team, including 69 urban search and rescue members.
Airman 1st Class William Johnson, U.S. Air Force

On average, we respond to 65 disasters in 50 countries every year, helping tens of millions of people.

USAID staff in Washington, D.C. and around the world work to ensure that aid reaches people affected by disasters, wherever they are and whenever they need it.

  • We monitor emerging crises, pre-position relief supplies, and develop programs to help local communities prepare for disasters.
  • We can also pre-position response teams and take early action when we know a disaster is coming—such as a hurricane or volcanic eruption—to make sure assistance is available to affected communities.
  • In the aftermath of a crisis, USAID activates its professional team of regional and technical humanitarian experts, including engineers, doctors, epidemiologists, and logisticians. They can be deployed to an affected area within hours to help identify the most pressing humanitarian needs.
  • We have emergency relief supplies—including shelter materials, blankets, and hygiene kits—located in regional hubs around the world. When communities need supplies that USAID doesn’t stockpile, we fast-track procurement so that the commodities can be delivered as soon as possible.

Through well-established processes and partnerships with relief agencies, USAID responsibly provides rapid funding for critical humanitarian activities. Delivering assistance quickly is crucial, but ensuring that we provide assistance in an appropriate way is essential. In addition to reducing suffering and mitigating the destruction caused by disasters, we help communities recover and become more resilient in the process.


USAID provides humanitarian assistance

How does USAID provide international humanitarian assistance?

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Last updated: May 07, 2019

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