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Our Work

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USAID's programs are aimed at advancing Serbia’s reform efforts as it moves forward on its path toward integration into the EU. 

USAID is helping Serbia make its governance institutions stronger and more accountable to the people.  Activities strengthen Serbia’s rule of law by improving the independence, efficiency, and professionalism of the Serbian judiciary.  Anti-corruption assistance increases the capacity of independent agencies to execute their mandates, helps local governments adopt more transparent practices, and bolsters the adjudication of corruption cases. USAID support to Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) strengthens their sustainability, increases their ability to represent citizens’ concerns, and expands their capacity to affect change. USAID also supports efforts to promote media independence.

Serbia’s economy is constrained by critical barriers to growth. Further improvements to the business enabling environment are needed to attract investments and create jobs. The private sector needs to increase its ability to compete in regional and international markets. USAID works with selected government counterparts, non-governmental organizations, international donors, and other U.S. agencies to advance reforms that will contribute to economic growth and make Serbia more business friendly. USAID economic growth assistance also helps Serbian firms adopt practices to become more innovative and competitive. In the food processing sector, USAID is working across value chains and support structures to foster a system that will increase competitiveness, sales and exports--creating a model that can be replicated in other parts of the Serbian economy. At both the regulatory level and firm level, USAID is working to increase the diversity and availability of financial products and the private sector’s ability to access them.      

Last updated: July 21, 2021

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