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Today, Administrator Samantha Power met with Prime Minister of Barbados Mia Mottley, in Washington, D.C. During the meeting, Administrator Power and Prime Minister Mottley discussed key areas for collaboration on issues of mutual interest, particularly the unique challenges of small island states in the Caribbean, including the limitations on concessional finance, climate change, clean energy, disaster resilience, and the COVID-19 pandemic.


Today, Administrator Samantha Power met with representatives of Ukrainian civil society, who are engaged in documentation of war crimes, crimes against humanity, and other atrocities against civilians in Ukraine. 


Yesterday, Deputy Administrator Isobel Coleman met with Ramiz Alakbarov, the United Nations Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator (RC/HC) for Afghanistan, to discuss the international community’s ongoing efforts to provide life-saving humanitarian to the Afghan people and the UN’s efforts to ensure the most vulnerable people are being reached.


Yesterday, Deputy Administrator Isobel Coleman spoke with United Nations Special Envoy to Burma Noeleen Heyzer to discuss the humanitarian situation in the country, including efforts to secure humanitarian access to populations in need.


Today, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) launched its updated Youth in Development Policy with a vision of a world in which young people have agency, rights, influence, and opportunities to pursue their life goals, and contribute to the development of their communities. The Policy aims to improve youth access, increase youth participation, and strengthen youth collective action to bring about change. Inclusive development is at the heart of this Policy, which promotes the inclusion of all youth, especially those with intersecting marginalized identities, to fully participate in decision-making as key partners.


Today, Administrator Power participated in a keynote conversation at the Annual Conference of the Behavioral Science and Policy Association (BSPA) with Dr. Esther Duflo, the Abdul Latif Jameel Professor of Poverty Alleviation and Development Economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, co-founder and co-director of the Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL), and a 2019 Nobel laureate in Economics.


Today, Administrator Samantha Power spoke with Ukrainian Minister of Health Viktor Liashko to discuss how Putin’s brutal war against Ukraine has put the lives of millions of people at risk by preventing Ukrainians from accessing essential healthcare. The two discussed the urgent need to get medical supplies and medication into Ukraine, especially as the health system continues to treat large numbers of wounded victims of the war. 


Today, Deputy Administrator Isobel Coleman met with Mr. David Gressly, the United Nations Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Yemen, to discuss the impacts of the ongoing truce on the humanitarian situation and the importance of continued attention and donor support to Yemen at this crucial moment.


The United States, through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), is providing nearly $387 million in additional humanitarian assistance to Ukraine amid the Russian Federation’s war – an unprovoked aggression that has triggered staggering displacement and humanitarian need.


Today, Administrator Power met with Ukrainian Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food, Mykola Solskyi to discuss USAID’s ongoing support for Ukrainian agriculture, and the current challenges Ukraine is facing in exporting grain due to Putin’s unprovoked war. The two discussed how the Kremlin’s brutal war of choice against Ukraine has sparked a global food crisis and has been tremendously destructive to Ukraine’s agricultural sector, an integral part of Ukraine’s economy. Administrator Power affirmed that USAID will work with Ukraine and the international community to find solutions to facilitate the export of Ukrainian produce in response to Russia’s blockage of ports on the Black Sea. The two spoke about the negative ripple effects of these port blockages across the agricultural supply chain from planting, to processing, to export of current and future harvests.


On May 3, Administrator Samantha Power and Mexican Secretary of Foreign Relations Marcelo Ebrard met at the White House to discuss shared priorities and ongoing collaboration in the lead up to the Ninth Summit of the Americas, including U.S.-Mexico development cooperation in Northern Central America and efforts to expand labor migration pathways. Administrator Power highlighted the Summit of the Americas as a unique opportunity to work together to build a sustainable, resilient, and equitable future that responds to the hemisphere's most pressing issues, including irregular migration, food insecurity, and threats to democracy and civic space. The meeting was hosted by the National Security Council and included representatives from the Departments of State, Commerce, Energy, Labor, and Agriculture.


Today, Administrator Power met with Armenia’s Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan to reaffirm the United States’ commitment to supporting the Armenian people and strengthening ties between the U.S. and Armenia. They also discussed the U.S.- Armenia Strategic Dialogue and Armenia’s priorities for additional USAID support and programming.

Media Advisory

Deputy Administrator Isobel Coleman will travel to Bangladesh, Thailand, and Laos from May 6 through 15. During her trip, she will assess the needs of regional humanitarian crises, including the Rohingya refugee crisis.

Media Advisory

On May 3, 2022, USAID Administrator Samantha Power, in partnership with Internews, will host a Twitter Spaces discussion with Ukrainian journalists to highlight their courageous work to keep Ukrainian citizens and the world informed about Russia’s brutal war against Ukraine.


We're deeply concerned by the Ukrainian reports of what is happening to civilians in the east. We know some people are escaping Russian bombardment by moving into Russia voluntarily. And the ICRC and other international organizations are gathering lists of those people whose families are alleging to be missing, to have gone now without cell phone contact in some - in some cases for- for many weeks. And again, it is going to be incumbent on those organizations that are working inside Russia to press the Russian Federation, just as we do through our sanctions and through our global pressure to account for anybody who has traveled inside the Russian Federation. But I don't have any information on that. What I will say is that USAID is working inside Ukraine to help civil society activists, human rights activists who have received death threats or who are vulnerable to relocate, whether to safe houses or to neighboring countries in order to ensure that - that they are not subjected to this level of persecution.


We are now joined by the USAID Administrator, Samantha Power. Ambassador, thank you for joining us this morning. You just heard Ambassador Markarova say that she believes the Ukrainians are holding their own against the Russians right now. I know you're just back from the region, your impression?


Today, Administrator Power met with the Belarusian Leader of the Democratic Opposition, Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya, to discuss recent developments in the democratic movement in Belarus and opportunities to partner with the Belarusian people to seek a better future.


Today, Administrator Samantha Power met with Chief Executive Officer of YouTube Susan Wojcicki to discuss expanding institutional ties and coordination between USAID and YouTube to better address disinformation and to support efforts to increase the business viability of independent media outlets.


The United States through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) is providing an additional $13.9 million in funding to Madagascar. Of the $13.9 million in new funding, $5.4 million will go to the country’s COVID-19 response, and $8.5 million will support small and medium enterprises and economic empowerment for people with disabilities.


Yesterday, Administrator Samantha Power met with Saadia Madsbjerg, Vice-President of Global Community Affairs for The Coca-Cola Company and President of The Coca-Cola Foundation, Michael Goltzman, Vice President of Global Policy & Sustainability at The Coca-Cola Company, and Adrian Ristow, Project Last Mile Project Director, to discuss Project Last Mile (PLM), a partnership between USAID, PEPFAR, The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, The Coca-Cola Foundation, and The Coca-Cola Company to help improve uptake of life-saving health services and to enable medicines to go to the “last mile” and benefit communities in Africa. Administrator Power praised the long-standing private sector partnership as an example of an innovative collaboration that demonstrates the potential of partnerships between the private-sector, governments, and public health organizations.


Last updated: July 11, 2024

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