Flag of Kosovo

Governance institutions serve citizens

Language: English | Serbian | Shqip

Speeches Shim

Judicial integration and transparency
Judicial integration and transparency

Kosovo’s citizens demand greater transparency, efficiency, and accountability from its government institutions.  To meet them halfway, USAID will support civil society, the private sector, and community-based organizations to hold the Government accountable to such demands.  Simultaneously, USAID will work with the Government on key reforms and focus assistance on the implementation of laws, oversight, management, and increased professional skills.  

The Government of Kosovo is committed to lead and implement reforms that meet the needs of citizens starting with court services to all citizens.  Such opportunities exist within the Kosovo Judicial Council and the Kosovo Judicial Academy.  Commercial law, property rights, and alternative dispute resolution mechanisms receive USAID’s particular attention as they underpin the reforms needed to spur economic development.  Moreover, free legal aid is an important and essential service to meet citizens’ legal needs. These are critical steps to combatting pervasive corruption and erosion of public trust in the Government’s ability to provide basic services.

Last updated: June 09, 2021

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