Vision for Health System Strengthening 2030

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USAID Vision for Health System Strengthening 2030
“When we strengthen health systems in far regions of the world, we reduce the risk of future pandemics that can threaten our people and our economy.”
— President Joseph R. Biden


USAID’s Health System Strengthening Vision 2030 draws upon the progress over the past decade and the new challenges that have arisen, while reaffirming USAID’s longer-term goal of worldwide resilient health systems. The vision recognizes that integrated, systems-based approaches for strengthening health systems are now more critical than ever due to COVID-19 and other pandemics and asserts that:

  • All people and institutions including communities, health workers, leaders and policy makers should be engaged in HSS efforts.
  • Reliable links between the public and private sectors, including communities, lead to stronger health systems.
  • Health systems are resilient when they are able to adjust resources, policy and focus to varying degrees to respond to challenges.
  • Locally led, inclusive HSS efforts that account for social and behavior change lead to more sustainable results and greater self-reliance.
  • Locally designed approaches take into account the unique conditions of country conditions and often result in higher quality health care reaching the most disadvantaged and vulnerable.

Health Systems Strengthening Learning Agenda

USAID created the Health Systems Strengthening (HSS) Learning Agenda to complement the Vision. The learning agenda provides a platform for innovating, synthesizing, disseminating, and applying evidence to help solve critical health system issues. It is organized around six key questions that were developed with a range of stakeholders, and align with strategies promoted in the Vision. The questions relate to incorporating systems practice into health system program design, working across health system functional areas, and collaborating with new partners to create higher-performing health systems. The goal of the learning agenda is to contribute to the collective evidence base for health system strengthening so that all global health practitioners can continue to hone health system programming for greater impact. All evidence contributions are welcome. If you have evidence to share or any questions about USAID's HSS Learning Agenda please contact:

Health Systems Strengthening Practice Spotlight Series

The Health Systems Strengthening (HSS) Practice Spotlight series discusses specific health systems strengthening approaches and how they were successfully applied in USAID-supported or other HSS program settings. By documenting approaches that work, Practice Spotlight briefs can inform strategic planning, program design, and implementation in the HSS space.

Learn more about USAID’s Work in Health System Strengthening

USAID’s Vision for Health System Strengthening

Circular graphic: Building Blocks, Learning & Adaptation, Cross-cutting Approaches, Social & Behavior Change, Cross-sectoral Linkages, Enable Local Organizations, Equity | Quality | Resource Optimization, Better Health Outcomes

Last updated: May 02, 2022

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