Health Systems Strengthening Learning Agenda

Speeches Shim

Through the Health System Strengthening (HSS) Learning Agenda, the Bureau for Global Health, led by the Office of Health Systems (OHS), aims to improve health system strengthening programming by updating or generating, synthesizing, and disseminating evidence related to key HSS learning questions. The Learning Agenda will serve as a platform for continuous HSS learning and adaptation. Evidence from the implementation of the Learning Agenda will be used in the design and management of USAID health system strengthening strategies, programs, projects, and activities. OHS will regularly collate and share this evidence within the Agency and with our donor, implementer, government, private sector and civil society partners, to inform our collective efforts to support sustainable health systems.

Different questions within this Learning Agenda may meet the needs of different stakeholders, but the priority audiences for this effort are USAID Mission staff, USAID implementing partners, other development partners, and our partner country governments, who develop, implement, and manage HSS programming.

Thursday, May 13, 2021 - 2:30pm

Last updated: July 30, 2021