Transforming Lives

Speeches Shim

Every day, all over the world, USAID brings peace to those who endure violence, health to those who struggle with sickness, and prosperity to those who live in poverty. It is these individuals — these uncounted thousands of lives — that are the true measure of USAID’s successes and the true face of USAID's programs.

In South Sudan’s far north, the Nile River port town of Renk has long been a crossing point for people heading north or south, sometimes fleeing conflict, sometimes heading back to their home areas during times of peace. Many people have become stranded there, as they lack even the modest funds needed to complete their journey.

Chili pepper, or feferoni, farming is relatively new to Kosovo farmers, although USAID had previously introduced production of chili peppers to small farmers in various regions of Kosovo. This year for the first time, with the help of USAID’s Agricultural Growth and Rural Opportunities program, Kelmendi has piloted chili pepper on a 0.3 hectare area of his plot located in the village of Bellacrk. He is one of 10 farmers to begin growing the new crop under the program.

Videvši jasnu priliku za biznis, Hodža je počeo da uvozi mašine za bušenje kako bi proizvodio sirovine koje su potrebne za posleratnu obnovu. Nakon što je proveo neko vreme u inostranstvu, Hodža je bio veoma voljan da učini nešto dobro za svoju zemlju, ali kada je došlo vreme da plati svoj račun za struju, doživeo je pravi šok.

Duke vërejtur një mundësi të qartë biznesi, Hoxha filloi me importimin e makinerisë shpuese për prodhimin e materialeve të lëndës së parë të nevojshme për rindërtimin e pas luftës. Pasi që kishte kaluar kohë jashtë vendi, Hoxha ishte entuziast për të bërë diçka të mirë për vendin e tij, por kur erdhi koha të paguaj faturën e rrymës, ai vërtet ishte habitur.

Originally developed to prevent human trafficking and exploitation in 10 member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, USAID’s IOM X campaign materials are now being used in over 40 countries across the world. Some 140 videos and an equal number of other resources — such as training materials, online courses, and factsheets — are available in 18 languages.

As a student, Nurkaly Tolubaev is a frequent user of the free public wireless internet service installed on the buses of Osh, the second largest city of Kyrgyzstan with over 245,000 residents. So he noticed immediately when the service was no longer available in June 2017. He wrote to the mayor’s office using the mobile application OshCity.

Fresh milk. Somalis have got it, although most of the population drinks imported powdered milk since local production cannot meet the high demand for safe, fresh milk. By the time it is squeezed from the cow, collected, and transported to processing plants and stores, most Somali milk is already spoiled.

Seeing a clear business opportunity, Hoxha started importing drilling machinery to produce the raw materials needed for post-war reconstruction. After spending time abroad, Hoxha was eager to do something good for his country. But when the time came to pay his electric bill, he received a real shock.

Maïmouna Diakité, 31, is a mother of six children and a member of the Sigui Diya (“Respect Each Other” in the Bambara language) producer cooperative in Mali. Before January 2015, she was trying to provide for her family through small–scale gardening activities during the off-season, working hard, but making very little money in return.


Last updated: July 12, 2021