Congressional Testimony

Speeches Shim

Jeudi, 14 avril, 2022

Thank you. It’s an honor to testify alongside these guardians of democracy. As we’ve just heard, autocrats don’t just destroy democracy and the rule of law in their own countries. They use lawfare and other subversive tactics to wield influence over other countries, stifling open discourse, corroding the integrity of economies, and interfering in politics and policymaking. But they cannot do it alone. Autocrats corruptly enrich their favored cronies and oligarchs, who in turn employ professional enablers to do their bidding: from hiding their dirty money to deploying it toward harmful activities meant to undermine democracy. And yet, there are powerful champions on the side of democracy, such as those serving on the Helsinki Commission and those we just heard testify: the enablers of democracy.

This Administration is dedicating unparalleled energy to what President Biden has called “the perennial struggle for democracy and freedom.” This struggle is not exclusive to Ukraine; it has many fronts. One is against the oligarchs and cronies around the world who have reaped enormous benefits from their ties to kleptocratic regimes. That is why the entire U.S. government, as well as our allies in government and civil society, are coming together to defend democracy against corruption, kleptocracy, and autocracy.

Vendredi, 1 avril, 2022

Chairman Kaine, Ranking Member Rubio, and distinguished members of the Committee, thank you for the opportunity to testify on the influence of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) in the Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) region.

Mardi, 8 mars, 2022

Localization is about recognizing that development agencies like USAID do not direct or drive change – we support or catalyze local change processes. To do this, we want to shift more leadership, ownership, decision making, evaluation and implementation to the local people and institutions who possess the capability, connectedness, and credibility to propel change in their own countries and communities. USAID's Local Works program is an excellent example of what this approach looks like in practice. Local Works provides flexible funding that enables USAID Missions to have more time and greater freedom to pursue locally led programming. In Bangladesh, the influx of nearly one million refugees resulting from the Rohingya humanitarian crisis into already impoverished communities in the district of Cox’s Bazar has led to a complex emergency that has depleted natural resources inside and outside of refugee camps.

Jeudi, 17 février, 2022

USAID’s work on the ground in Burma continues. Just 10 days after the coup, USAID shifted $42.4 million in assistance from activities that would have benefited the government to support local civil society, non-governmental organizations, and like-minded private sector partners to directly benefit the people of Burma—not the regime. This marked our first step in adapting to and continuing to provide critical assistance in this quickly evolving context. Over the last 12 months, our team has tirelessly supported the aspirations of the people of Burma for justice, peace, and democracy.

Mercredi, 16 février, 2022

USAID is proud to be a partner with Colombia on the path away from decades of conflict towards peace and prosperity. Our task now is to make that peace irreversible in the face of continuing challenges.

Mercredi, 16 février, 2022

During USAID Administrator Samantha Power's recent trip to Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) she made clear that a peaceful and prosperous future for BiH depends on all political leaders and citizens working together to advance the reforms necessary to achieve BiH’s democratic and economic aspirations. She further underscored throughout her visit that USAID will continue to support all those working to build a more stable, inclusive, democratic future for BiH. USAID’s focus is on fighting corruption, strengthening rule of law, fostering entrepreneurship, promoting reconciliation, and creating a transparent business environment which attracts investment and ensures young people have a reason to stay and build their lives in BiH.

Jeudi, 3 février, 2022

USAID is undertaking vital work throughout Latin America and the Caribbean on behalf of the American people, and our efforts are more important now than they have ever been before. We remain committed to working with the people of the region to build a brighter, more hopeful future. And, we cannot do that without partnering with all of you.

Mardi, 1 février, 2022

Good morning Chairman Menendez, Ranking Member Risch, and distinguished members of the committee. Thank you for inviting me to testify today on USAID’s assistance to the people of Sudan, and our response to the devastating setback to Sudan’s democratic transition since October 25, when the military detained civilian leaders, disrupted communications networks, and began killing protesters in the streets—returning to the contemptible practices of failed past Sudanese regimes.

Jeudi, 9 Décembre, 2021

Chairman Deutch, Ranking Member Wilson, Members of the Committee, thank you for the opportunity to speak with you today about the role of the U.S. Agency for International Development in Libya’s political transition.

Mercredi, 1 Décembre, 2021

Good morning Chairwoman Bass, Ranking Member Smith, and distinguished Members of the Subcommittee. Thank you for the opportunity to discuss the Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 President’s budget request for the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Bureau for Africa. I am pleased to be with you today and look forward to sharing how investments in sub-Saharan Africa will further United States interests and values – including security, global health, climate change, freedom and democracy, and shared prosperity.

Jeudi, 18 Novembre, 2021

As it is around the world, the COVID-19 situation in Latin America and the Caribbean remains dangerous. However, thanks to the generosity of the American people and the support of Congress, USAID has been able to help the countries of the region make real progress despite the unprecedented health and economic impacts of the pandemic. Even as we maintain our vigilance and continue to respond to the virus, we remain committed to helping countries adapt to new realities presented by the pandemic and shore up hard-won development gains. Ultimately, we seek to help the people of the region live in peace and prosperity and realize a more healthy, hopeful future.


Last updated: April 14, 2022

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