Transforming Lives

Speeches Shim

Every day, all over the world, USAID brings peace to those who endure violence, health to those who struggle with sickness, and prosperity to those who live in poverty. It is these individuals — these uncounted thousands of lives — that are the true measure of USAID’s successes and the true face of USAID's programs.

Malaria is the leading cause of sickness and death in Uganda. Prevention, correct diagnosis and treatment are crucial to reduce malaria cases and mortality as well as lower the risk of resistance to antimalarial medicines and decrease medicine waste and misuse. However, due to inappropriate practices in malaria testing and treatment, many patients are treated incorrectly, receiving unnecessary or wrong medications.

After graduating at the top of her class in Tanzania with a degree in community development, Ummi Shaib expected to find a position in social work. But three years into her job search, she faced rejection after rejection. With employment opportunities seemingly hopeless, and under mounting pressure from her family, Shaib decided to marry so she could “at least have a husband to depend on.”

По потекло  од Битола, мало градче во југозападна Македонија, на седумгодишната Барбара Василевска и беше дијагностицирана атрофија на oчните нерви. Нејзините родители беа многу загрижени за нејзиното образование и се прашуваа дали има соодветно училиште во кое ќе може да посетува настава во нејзиниот град, дали ќе може да се справи без дополнителна поддршка, и дали таа е единственото дете во Битола со овој проблем.

Hailing from Bitola, a small town in southwestern Macedonia, Barbara Vasilevska was diagnosed with eye nerve atrophy at the tender age of 7. Her parents were very concerned about her education prospects and wondered if there was a special school she could go to in her town, if she would be able to cope without additional support, and if she would be one of the only children in Bitola with this problem.

Oumar Guindo used to work as a basic veterinary assistant, helping his supervisor veterinarian, Laya Togo, conduct vaccination campaigns and other livestock treatments in the Mopti region of Mali. Since they did not have a service delivery plan in place for these campaigns, they could not achieve a big success.

The Federation of Fruit Planters of Lower Guinea is composed of 1,052 fruit producers, including 209 women. While pineapple is their main crop, they also produce banana, mango and citrus fruit as well as oil palm and cashew. The federation — whose members are located in the prefectures of Kindia, Forécariah, Coyah, Dubréka, Boffa and Boke — has many resources to aid production: a suitable climate and soils, fertile land, and agronomic research centers located in the region to support further development of the fruit sector.

Shtator 2018 – Edhe pse bujqësia ishte një rrugëtim i gjatë për Zijadin Kelmendin, ajo është më shumë se edhe një pasion për të.

“Unë kam kultivuar perime me babanë tim që kur isha 10 vjeç — bujqësia është jeta ime,” tha ai me entuziazëm. Kelmendi, i cili jeton në komunën e Rahovecit në Kosovë, tani shpreson të kultivojë një kulturë të re, e cila po fiton më shumë vëmendje në vend, në një biznes fitimprurës.

Septembar 2018 – Iako je poljoprivreda dugo putovanje za Zijadina Kelmendi-ja, ona je za njega više od strasti.

"Još kao destogodišnji dečak sam gajio povrće sa svojim ocem   - poljoprivreda je moj život", rekao je sa entuzijazmom. Kelmendi koji živi u kosovskoj opštini Orahovac/Rahovec, danas se nada da novu kulturu koja privlači više pažnje u zemlji pretvori u profitabilan biznis

October 2018 — The security dynamics and economic situation of Chad’s Lac region remain fragile: The Chad-Nigeria border is closed for commerce and approximately 108,000 people have been displaced by the Boko Haram/Islamic State of Iraq and Syria-West Africa conflict.

Since 2016, the region has been able to increase school enrollment and literacy at the primary level with support from the international community. However, middle and high school students have had limited access to classroom education, reading materials, and cultural and scholarly activities.


Last updated: July 12, 2021