Transforming Lives

Speeches Shim

Every day, all over the world, USAID brings peace to those who endure violence, health to those who struggle with sickness, and prosperity to those who live in poverty. It is these individuals — these uncounted thousands of lives — that are the true measure of USAID’s successes and the true face of USAID's programs.

Avgust 2018 — Prelazak sa administrativnog posla u Holandiji na uzgajanje borovnica u zapadnom Kosovu nosilo je sa sobom uspone i padove za Besnika Lilu.

Na Kosovu se borovnice trenutno uzgajaju na skromnih 50 hektara ukupno, u šest različitih proizvodnih područja sa svega 20 uzgajivača.

Gusht 2018 – Kalimi nga një vend pune në administratë në Holandë në kultivimin e boronicave në Kosovën perëndimore i ka pasur anët pozitive dhe negative për Besnik Lilën.

Në Kosovë, boronicat aktualisht kultivohen në një sipërfaqe modeste prej gjithsej 50 hektarësh, në gjashtë zona të ndryshme të prodhimit nga 20 kultivues.

At first, she did not want to be the only person in a wheelchair in this small village, so she decided that once she was back home, she would stay in her room. However, after nine months of physical therapy and psychological support from the St. Boniface Hospital Foundation in Fond-des-Blancs, Charlisena's outlook began to change. She came to terms with her condition and, last year, decided to return to her hometown and resume school. 

Six days a week, Laine provides routine care to inpatients and outpatients just like Lubin. The patients receive care twice each day, in the morning and afternoon. In addition, once a week, together with a social worker, nurse and biomedical equipment technician, she visits patients in their homes to provide additional medical, psychosocial and material support. Laine ensures patients have the basics necessary to live as normal a life as possible and provides them literature, tips and exercises.

Making the move from an administrative job in the Netherlands to growing blueberries in western Kosovo has had its ups and downs for Besnik Lila. In Kosovo, blueberries are currently grown on a modest 50 hectares in total, over six different production zones involving 20 growers.

August 2018 — Emina Subašić is one of 100 unemployed people receiving the chance to learn new skills to get a good job — and stay in Bugojno, in central Bosnia and Herzegovina, where they have family, friends and history. For Subašić, the training has made all the difference.

Goran Marić, 19 godina, ide u specijalnu školu a Luka Međugorac, 17 godina, ide u redovnu školu u Kruševcu, malom gradu u centralnoj Srbiji. Upoznali su se kad su postali članovi inkluzivne grupe mladih oktobra 2015. u okviru USAID-ovog projekta “Igrajmo zajedno”   koji je sprovodila Specijalna Olimpijada Srbije.

Audio recording technology and inter-agency collaboration have strengthened Albania’s court system.

Ernest Masereka, a voluntary community health worker from Rutoke village in Uganda, understands the benefits of open dialogue. He first introduced his community to the idea of forming a village health club in December 2017. Village health clubs provide forums where community members can disseminate important messages and address issues, such as sanitation, health and savings. Collectively, members of the club come up with action plans and provide local solutions for the challenges their community faces.


Last updated: July 12, 2021