Flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina


Speeches Shim

October 15, 2019

USAID is working to build capacity within the National Referral System to better identify and assist victims of human trafficking. 

October 4, 2019

Since 1995, the U.S. government, primarily through USAID, has provided more than $2 billion in assistance to support democratic, social, and economic progress in BiH and to advance the country toward its goal of EU membership. Much of that investment was focused on post-war reconstruction and the establishment of government institutions. Today, USAID focuses on improving the rule of law and fight against corruption, boosting the private sector, and improving inter-ethnic relations.

Fighting Corruption
September 30, 2019

Through the Judiciary Against Corruption Activity, USAID addresses both external and internal judicial sector weaknesses in fighting corruption. USAID’s implementing partner for this five-year, $8 million program is Development Professionals Inc. 

January 29, 2018

Both BiH policy makers and private sector stakeholders agree that a well-regulated financial sector is critical for efficiently allocating capital in the economy and increasing access to credit.

January 29, 2018

Press freedom is under threat in the Balkans. Political-economic interests have captured much of the mainstream media sector through opaque ownership structures, direct state support, and consolidated advertising markets, substantially limiting competition in the media marketplace and the public’s access to objective, balanced reporting.


Last updated: April 26, 2022

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