Flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Economic Growth

Speeches Shim

Economic Growth Objective:  Improved socio-economic conditions

Encouraging Entrepreneurism

USAID’s economic development programs support private sector growth and increased access to EU and regional markets. USAID provides technical assistance, training, and grants to small and medium-sized enterprises of targeted sectors in the economy—IT outsourcing, wood and metal processing, and tourism—to increase productivity, improve quality, and strengthen the technical/vocational capacity of staff. One USAID initiative is working to mobilize BiH’s large diaspora community to invest capital and transfer expertise to create jobs and stimulate the economy. Loan guarantee programs with several commercial banks are helping unlock much-needed financial capital. 

Promoting a Better Business Environment

USAID assists BiH authorities in adopting and implementing EU and international standards, including those in product quality and food safety, which are necessary for Bosnian-made goods to enter foreign markets. USAID continues to support financial sector stability by helping the Central Bank of BiH and entity banking agencies implement sound banking supervision and develop policies that promote private sector lending. USAID has assisted BiH to establish a more transparent, modern system of direct taxation and collection of social benefits to create a more business-friendly environment. USAID also promotes energy efficiency and improves energy policy to help BiH to increase competition and maximize its potential as a net energy exporter.


Last updated: September 23, 2021

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