USAID Response in Ukraine

Speeches Shim

USAID Response in Ukraine

The U.S. Government’s partnership with the people of Ukraine is steadfast and enduring, and USAID remains committed to supporting Ukraine and its people in this current crisis. We have worked closely with Ukraine, our European allies, and humanitarian assistance partners to prepare for the emergency that this war has caused and meet immediate and growing humanitarian needs. 

USAID deployed a Disaster Assistance Response Team—our nation’s finest humanitarian responders—to the region to support the Ukrainian people as they flee Russia’s aggression and to rapidly address critical needs that arise due to ongoing conflict. We have already responded to a range of needs in the lead-up to the invasion, from energy security to countering disinformation to cybersecurity support as Russia attempts to disrupt critical infrastructure and communications. We will continue to assess and ramp up access to primary and trauma medical care, food, and clean water. USAID is also working closely with the U.S. State Department to support Ukrainians fleeing to neighboring countries.

Last updated: May 06, 2022

May 6, 2022

Today, Administrator Samantha Power met with representatives of Ukrainian civil society, who are engaged in documentation of war crimes, crimes against humanity, and other atrocities against civilians in Ukraine. 

May 5, 2022

Today, Administrator Samantha Power spoke with Ukrainian Minister of Health Viktor Liashko to discuss how Putin’s brutal war against Ukraine has put the lives of millions of people at risk by preventing Ukrainians from accessing essential healthcare. The two discussed the urgent need to get medical supplies and medication into Ukraine, especially as the health system continues to treat large numbers of wounded victims of the war. 

May 4, 2022

Today, Administrator Power met with Ukrainian Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food, Mykola Solskyi to discuss USAID’s ongoing support for Ukrainian agriculture, and the current challenges Ukraine is facing in exporting grain due to Putin’s unprovoked war. The two discussed how the Kremlin’s brutal war of choice against Ukraine has sparked a global food crisis and has been tremendously destructive to Ukraine’s agricultural sector, an integral part of Ukraine’s economy. Administrator Power affirmed that USAID will work with Ukraine and the international community to find solutions to facilitate the export of Ukrainian produce in response to Russia’s blockage of ports on the Black Sea. The two spoke about the negative ripple effects of these port blockages across the agricultural supply chain from planting, to processing, to export of current and future harvests.

May 4, 2022

Artificial intelligence is poised to increase global GDP by 16 percent by 2030. But as we’ve seen in countries all over the world, democratic and authoritarian alike, artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms used in technology like facial recognition, data collection, and location tracking can be repurposed for digital repression. And while we should never underestimate the possibility or potency of repression, the solution is not to turn our backs on the promise of digitization, but doing everything in our power to manage the risks.

April 29, 2022

Today, Administrator Power met with the Belarusian Leader of the Democratic Opposition, Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya, to discuss recent developments in the democratic movement in Belarus and opportunities to partner with the Belarusian people to seek a better future.
