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Stabilization and Crisis Response

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Volunteers beautify public spaces in eastern Ukraine as part of the Build Ukraine Together camp.
Volunteers beautify public spaces in eastern Ukraine as part of the Build Ukraine Together camp.
Courtesy of the USAID Ukrainian Confidence Building Initiative

USAID’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance provides lifesaving humanitarian assistance to internally displaced persons (IDPs) and conflict affected vulnerable populations throughout eastern Ukraine and Kyiv Oblast.

USAID/OTI's goal is to enable vulnerable Eastern communities to actively participate in, benefit from and advocate for Ukraine’s transition to a prosperous, unified and democratic state. It does this by working in the East to:

  • Increase support for and participation in the development of an inclusive Ukrainian identity; and
  • Increase citizen confidence and engagement in the reform process at the local level.

Current programs:

Ukraine Confidence Building Initiative (UCBI)
Implementer: Chemonics International Inc.
Project Period: July 11, 2014 – April 9, 2022

The Ukraine Confidence Building Initiative (UCBI) activity was established to complement USAID’s ongoing efforts to support a successful democratic transition and promote national cohesion in Ukraine in the wake of the conflict in the East. In April 2017, USAID’s Office of Transition Initiatives (OTI) launched the second phase of the UCBI project, focusing on Ukraine's historic democratic transition. The goal of UCBI II has been to contribute to efforts that ensure eastern Ukraine has greater confidence in Ukraine’s democratic reform process and European integration. The initiative recently shifted its focus to national-level media content development and programming in the western, southern, and central oblasts of Ukraine. UCBI II provides targeted assistance to increase support for pluralistic national unity and public confidence in positive, democratic change in Ukraine. UCBI II provides small in-kind grants (goods, services and technical support) to a range of partners, including national and local civilian government entities, civil society organizations, and community leaders.   

Strengthening Rehabilitation Services in Health Systems (SRSHS)  
Implementer: UCP Wheels for Humanity 
Project Period April 1, 2019 – June 30, 2022  


The Strengthening Rehabilitation Services in Health Systems activity is introducing the most current practices and thinking to physical therapists in Ukraine; supporting the development and implementation of national rehabilitation policies, regulations, and protocols and generating greater demand for rehabilitation services at the community level. The project is raising awareness and strengthening cooperation among rehabilitation service providers in selected regions, such as Kyiv, Lviv, and Zaporizhzhia. The activity works closely with the World Health Organization to develop a strategy for rehabilitation services and supports the Ministry of Health in implementing rehabilitation reform. It is also developing an information campaign to communicate the role and importance of rehabilitation services at the primary health care level.

Enhancing Torture Survivor Mental Health Services
Implementer: Johns Hopkins University
Project Period: September 30, 2015 – June 30, 2022


Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health is partnering with the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy to address the mental health effects of traumatic events among conflict-affected population groups and their families and contribute to the development and strengthening of an accessible and equitable community mental health care system. The activity is conducting research on the Combined Elements Treatment Approach (CETA) model, a non-medicalized model of treatment of mental health disorders (depression, anxiety and post-traumatic syndrome disorder), in Kyiv, Zaporizhzhya, and Kharkiv. Thirty project trained counselors are implementing the CETA model and providing counseling to their clients affected by the conflict in eastern Ukraine. Preliminary research data indicates that this is an effective treatment model for Ukraine and potentially one that the system of state social services could utilize throughout the country.

Democratic Governance East (DG East)
Implementer: Chemonics International
Project Period: October 1, 2018 – September 30, 2023

USAID’s Democratic Governance East (DG East) is a five-year activity to improve trust and confidence between citizens and government in eastern Ukraine, contributing to USAID’s broader goal of mitigating the impacts of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine. DG East works to increase participation in community problem-solving, develop more efficient, modern service delivery, integrate separated, marginalized, and isolated communities; build citizen confidence in and understanding of key reforms; and strengthen inclusive and democratic citizen engagement.

Economic Resilience Activity
Implementer: DAI Global
Project Period: August 27, 2018 – August 26, 2023

The conflict in eastern Ukraine has disrupted critical market linkages, catalyzed the economic decline of previously dominant industries, and caused massive population disruption. ERA will support entrepreneurs and small- and medium-sized businesses in competitive sectors to mitigate the impacts of the conflict and reduce the region's reliance on oligarch-backed big businesses and trade with Russia. In the short-term, ERA will work with conflict-affected and vulnerable populations to help them rebuild their economic livelihoods. In the medium-term, ERA will work in select value chains and with innovative businesses to help them expand and find new markets. ERA’s long-term goal is to build confidence in the future of the eastern Ukrainian economy by stimulating entrepreneurship and investment in the region. ERA’s primary focus is on providing support to Luhansk and Donetsk Oblasts, while also working to strengthen economic linkages between these two oblasts and the rest of the country.

Last updated: February 18, 2022

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