Map of Senegal

Global Health

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Community health volunteer part of PECADOM (home care program) sets up to test and treat malaria, diarrhoea and refer serious cases to health facilities, Senegal
Community health volunteer part of PECADOM (home care program) sets up to test and treat malaria, diarrhoea and refer serious cases to health facilities. Bakapome village near Thies region.
Amy Cotter/USAID

Since 1979, the health program of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has supported the Ministry of Health and local communities to reduce maternal and child deaths, prevent infectious disease and other illness, and help people live healthier lives. In addition to fighting major diseases like malaria, tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS, USAID strengthens national and local health systems, supports family planning programs to allow couples to have children when they want them and helps communities plan and finance their own health services. USAID’s health program aims to put quality health services within easy reach of the majority of Senegal’s people. 

USAID’s targeted investments address health disparities between Senegal’s regions and urban and rural populations. To increase impact, USAID concentrates maternal, child and reproductive health, nutrition, family planning, malaria and HIV/AIDS programming in areas experiencing a greater burden of disease. In higher-performing areas, USAID provides direct financing and technical assistance to government systems to sustain and continue improving health outcomes.  


USAID’s community health program provides an integrated package of services for family planning, safe motherhood, and child health. USAID is helping the Government of Senegal (GoS) extend basic health services - including family planning, antenatal care, nutrition and newborn care services -  into remote, underserved communities through mobile outreach and the nationwide expansion of Health Huts. USAID aims to increase access to health services and products in the public sector, and improve the quality of private sector service delivery.

Through the U.S. Government’s President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI), USAID supports Senegal’s National Malaria Control Program to apply proven strategies against malaria, such as consistent use of mosquito nets and household indoor spraying. USAID provides HIV/AIDS testing and counseling services, with a focus on reaching key populations that face prevalence rates well above the national average. USAID also provides technical assistance to the GoS to better manage the health supply chain to ensure sustained access to essential health commodities.


Through government-to-government agreements, USAID builds capacity and commitment to finance and implement health activities at the local level using host country systems. USAID promotes social behavior change interventions that increase individual demand for quality health services.  


USAID is working closely with the GoS to build and strengthen the health system at all levels - local, district, regional, and national - with a strong focus on key areas of health financing, governance, health commodity management and data for decision making. This includes helping the GoS develop and implement their national health financing strategy, and direct financing at the regional and national level to implement strategic malaria, maternal and child health, and family planning activities. USAID also continues to support the expansion of universal health coverage in Senegal. The Global Health Security Agenda works across the health system to increase Senegal’s capacity to respond to new and emerging disease outbreaks. 

Download the .pdf document for further information on USAID work in Health in Senegal.

Last updated: July 22, 2021

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