Flag of Maldives

Environment and Global Climate Change

Speeches Shim

Diver measures coral reef
Maldivian coral reefs are recovering due in part to USAID support in developing management plans for coral reef ecosystems and reef-dependent people. 


Recognizing that climate change is an ever-present threat to Maldives, USAID strengthens the capacity of the Maldivian government, private sector, and local environmental and community groups to manage and adapt to the impact of climate change. USAID activities will continue to support innovative approaches to climate risk resilience and mobilize private sector funding for actions that reduce risks associated with extreme weather, climate variability, and climate change.


REEFS GENERATE ENVIRONMENTAL AND ECONOMIC RESILIENCY FOR ATOLL ECOSYSTEMS (REGENERATE): The REGENERATE activity works to improve marine and coastal resource management to mitigate the adverse effects of climate change in Maldives through research, training, financing, and governance. This activity improves access to science and technology for decision-makers; increases stakeholder capacity to measure, monitor, and adapt to climate stresses; strengthens decentralized management; and establishes sustainable funding mechanisms to support climate-resilient marine management. Implementing Partner: International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN); Total Estimated Cost: $6.7 million; Performance Period: September 2013 – September 2022     

CLEAN CITIES, BLUE OCEAN: Reducing plastic waste is a global issue. Clean Cities, Blue Ocean (CCBO) is USAID’s five-year flagship global initiative to target ocean plastics at their source in cities and towns. Managed and funded through USAID headquarters in Washington, D.C. and implemented through a consortium of partners, CCBO is piloting solutions in Maldives to stop the flow of plastic pollution to the waters within and surrounding the country. CCBO supports holistic strategies that address each step in the waste value chain – from production to end use – through critical site-level research, grants to local organizations, and additional technical assistance and capacity building support. Implementing Partner: Tetra Tech ARD; Total Estimated Global Cost: $48 million (part of which is allocated to Maldives); Period of Performance: October 2019 – September 2024

CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION: Through its Climate Change Adaptation activity, USAID will build the capacity of the private sector, civil society, and government to respond and adapt to climate change in ways that contribute to sustained, inclusive, market-based growth. USAID will help identify and scale up innovative solutions to climate-related challenges, strengthen governance to address climate-related risks, and improve access to high-quality information for decision-making to reduce vulnerability to climate change. Implementing Partner: Tetra Tech ARD; Total Estimated Cost: $10.5 million; Period of Performance: August 2021 – August 2026


Last updated: May 05, 2022

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