Technical Areas

Speeches Shim

With ministries of health in the lead and in close collaboration with global partners, USAID has sustained its focus on supporting countries to scale up proven, cost-effective interventions against malaria. Key interventions supported include:

An IRS operator sprays long-lasting insecticide to kill malaria-transmitting mosquitoes
A child stands beneath his mosquito net in Burkina Faso
A pregnant woman receives treatment to protect her from malaria

Indoor Residual Spraying

IRS treats the inside walls of homes with long-lasting insecticides. It is an effective way to kill mosquitoes and disrupt the transmission of malaria

Insecticide-Treated Mosquito Nets

ITNs physically block mosquitoes at night, when they are most likely to bite, and kill mosquitoes that land on them.

Preventive Treatment in Pregnancy 

Ensuring women receive preventive treatment at prenatal visits after the first trimester can protect them and their babies against malaria. 

A child receives a rapid test for malaria
A child receives medicine to protect them from malaria during the rainy season
Malaria champions participate in a community discussion in Zambia

Diagnosis and Treatment

Effective case management uses testing to ensure patients with malaria are properly diagnosed and receive quality-assured treatment.

Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention

SMC gives a monthly preventive treatment to children under five years of age to protect them from contracting malaria during peak transmission season.

Cross-Cutting Interventions

Social and behavior change, operational research, health systems strengthening, and data-related initiatives support more effective malaria programs.

Last updated: January 20, 2022

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