Flag of Democratic Republic of the Congo

Working in Crises and Conflict

Speeches Shim

The east of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has remained volatile for the last 20 years. Between 2015 and 2019, USAID/DRC plans to fosus on strengthening the foundation for a durable peace in eastern DRC. To achieve the Transition Objective (TO) 3 of the Mission’s Country Development Cooperation Strategy, USAID/DRC technical sectors are working together to support interventions that seek practical and inclusive solutions to conflicts. TO 3 activities prioritize the conflict-affected areas of eastern DRC including North and South Kivu, northern Katanga, and parts of Maniema and Orientale.

USAID/DRC’s approach recognizes that transition processes are not linear and will require programmatic flexibility. TO 3 activities have a strong operations research agenda to identify practical solutions to specific drivers of conflict. While TO 3 focuses primarily on local and community level activities in eastern DRC, it also targets important national and regional level institutions and programs that are critical to peace and stability in the region and overarching peace processes. An emphasis is placed on women’s participation in these processes, as experience has shown that Congolese women transcend their political and ideological differences for the interest of the population. The goal is an environment in which sustainable development can occur. Progress will be measured through the following three intermediate results:

1. Practical solutions to specific drivers of conflict identified and accepted – USAID will conduct operations research to identify specific drivers of conflict and potential practical solutions and will involve local, national, regional, and international researchers, practitioners, and diplomats.  

2. Promising interventions to establish or solidify peace implemented –Increased citizen engagement in governance and decision making processes are essential to all interventions under IR 3.2, as well as continuing to strengthen service delivery with a conflict sensitive approach. Employing solutions and lessons learned through operations research, IR 3.2 incorporates transitional/stabilization and development activities, and increased participation of community members, particularly women and girls, in decision making, peacebuilding and economic life.

3. Humanitarian and protection services provided – The continued provision of humanitarian and protection services will reduce the suffering of internally displaced people and host communities, and when conditions are right, help launch them back on a path to normalcy by providing interim livelihood assistance until they can benefit from more traditional development assistance. Vulnerable populations such as Sexual and Gender Based Violence survivors and demobilized children will also be targeted.

Last updated: June 03, 2021

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