Flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Success Stories

Speeches Shim

USAID played a major role in the final passage of the Federation of BiH's Energy Efficiency Law.

You might not see how energy efficiency has an effect on you, your life or business, but you will feel it. You will feel it because saving energy is one of the few things that can save you money, improve the economy, protect the environment, strengthen energy security, and enhance the overall quality of life.

Subsidiaries of ASA Prevent Group in Sarajevo achieved significant savings after switching electricity suppliers.

July 2017—Electricity supply: Few really think about it much until their lights (or their television) go dark. But having a choice in who supplies electricity has won fans in the private sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) who are racking up cost savings that could turn into investment and much-needed jobs.

Julijana and Bernard Ticinovic of Livno who fought corruption in public procurement -- and finally won.

Non-transparent public procurement awards are common in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). More than 75 percent of all public procurements were conducted behind closed doors, through direct negotiations, in 2015. This year, however, one company that fought the corrupt process finally won damages from a local government.

Poster from USAID-supported campaign “Silence is NOT Golden (Sutnja Nije Zlato)”

In Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), violence against women and girls is widespread and underreported—an all-too-common dirty little secret. The issue does not get the attention and time it deserves, and neither do the perpetrators. But a nationwide campaign—that included petitions, billboards and a special postage stamp—recently stirred unprecedented civil society and political will to better prevent and properly punish such acts.

Public presentation of government monitoring reports in February 2017.

Civil society in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) is demanding integrity and responsibility from the government. That says a lot for a country where citizens in yearly surveys rank corruption as one of the biggest problems in the country while expressing the belief that they cannot do anything to stop it.


Last updated: September 23, 2021

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