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Country Development Cooperation Strategy

Speeches Shim

USAID/Bangladesh’s Country Development Cooperation Strategy (CDCS) 2020-2025 presents USAID’s approach to furthering Bangladesh’s development. The strategy acknowledges Bangladesh’s challenges and leverages its assets as an important and longstanding development partner. The CDCS Goal is that Bangladesh is committed to democratic principles and inclusive growth with an increasing capacity to economically diversify, address inequality, and become a resilient Indo-Pacific partner.

Aligned with the Government of Bangladesh’s goal of attaining Upper-Middle Income Country status by 2031, the CDCS employs an integrated and inclusive approach. The new Goal and Development Objectives (DOs) lay the path for improved partnerships, more sustainable development outcomes, and greater self-reliance. The CDCS capitalizes on the integration of key development efforts, especially good governance programming and private sector engagement, to drive impact across three DOs:

  • DO 1: Improved Democratic Systems that Promote Transparency, Accountability, and Integrity
  • DO 2: Enhanced Opportunities for an Inclusive, Healthy, Educated Society, and a Robust Economy
  • DO 3: Strengthened Resilience to Shocks and Stressors

Through this Strategy, USAID builds on past work in economic growth, education, health, energy, environment, food security, disaster preparedness, and democracy, rights, and good governance, using programming approaches that capitalize on the interdependence of development sectors. USAID will focus on collaborating, learning, and adapting during the CDCS to respond to new opportunities and challenges, particularly in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. USAID looks forward to implementing the CDCS with the people and Government of Bangladesh and the Mission’s new and existing partners.

This CDCS was developed and finalized in 2020 as COVID-19 became a global pandemic. USAID/Bangladesh will continue to monitor its potential impact and if needed, the Mission will re-evaluate the strategic approach.

Last updated: August 23, 2021

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