Transforming Lives

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Thai YouTube creators discuss how content and media can make the world a better place during a USAID-funded IOM X event in March 2018 in Bangkok.

Originally developed to prevent human trafficking and exploitation in 10 member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, USAID’s IOM X campaign materials are now being used in over 40 countries across the world. Some 140 videos and an equal number of other resources — such as training materials, online courses, and factsheets — are available in 18 languages.

Innovation for Elimination: Thai Scientist Invents Affordable Microscope to help Beat Back Malaria

One could say that Aungkana Saejeng got her professional start in life at a tender age in the shade of the White Elephant Gate in Thailand’s city of Chiang Mai. Here, a few steps from the 700-year-old wall protecting the country’s second city, Saejeng’s family boiled and ladeled fishball noodle soup in their small but popular Ong Tipros shop.

USAID Helps Bring Clean Fuel to Rural Households in Cambodia

Channeuon Kob awoke at the first light of day to fix breakfast for her family. Now that she would no longer have to smell gas fumes as she prepared breakfast, she was eager to cook. Kob recently purchased a clean cookstove to replace her butane gas cylinders as part of a new biodigester system that converts waste into fuel.


Sirichai* is a construction worker who lives with his wife in Thailand’s Rayong province. In 2013, he was diagnosed with tuberculosis (TB) and has undergone multiple courses of treatment since then. At the age of 50, he learned that he had severely drug-resistant tuberculosis, and doctors recommended an operation to remove part of his lung.

With 155 Million Views, USAID and IOM X Domestic Work Video Hits Home

Good advice from Facebook user Pearlena, and just one of 55,000 comments on the Open Doors: Singapore video drama that follows the story of Lisa, a young Filipina domestic worker, as she begins working for a Singaporean family and taking care of their daughter, June. She’s traveled thousands of miles for this job, but Lisa soon realizes it isn’t what she signed up for.


Last updated: September 29, 2021

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