Amplify Family Planning and Sexual Reproductive Health (AMPLIFY PF)

Speeches Shim

The USAID-funded Amplify Family Planning and Sexual Reproductive Health (Amplify PF) activity works to mobilize partners to expand access to, and utilization of, quality family planning services in the West Africa region. Since 2018, Amplify PF has built relationships with Ministries of Health and facilities across its four countries of intervention - Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Niger, and Togo - to provide family planning services and strengthen service delivery, with a focus on poor and underserved urban populations. Amplify PF’s core approach is to establish Integrated Learning Networks that bring together and mobilize additional resources from diverse health and non-health parts of a district to deliver high-impact reproductive health services to women and girls.

This innovative, district-wide approach is based on the concept that a successfully implemented high-impact practice (HIP) is the result of coordinated efforts by several actors in the district that come together to accelerate the scale up of the HIPs across the district. Amplify PF initially scaled up the task- shifting of postpartum and postabortion family planning in target health districts, including integrating family planning (FP) into immunization programs. Starting in 2020, project interventions expanded to include integrated nutrition/FP activities, demand creation activities for youth, and discrete activities to prevent and mitigate COVID-19 effects on FP service utilization.


  • Foster partnerships so that policy and governance, health financing, behavior change, service delivery, supply chain, and evidence generation are integral components of our activities.
  • Scale up stakeholder support for proven HIPs that offer greater access to family planning by replicating them through a strong network of ongoing projects in the region.
  • Instill adaptive management practices so local leaders and practitioners are equipped with the necessary tools to build sustainable practices, and garner local support for task shifting, postpartum family planning (PPFP), and health services integration.
  • Target high-return interventions such as promotion of couples’ communication, the support of increasing male involvement in families, and more marriage preparation activities for young couples.


  • Establish 21 Integrated Learning Networks.
  • Provide up to 1.4 million Couple-Years Protections (CYP).
  • Serve up to 2.2 million new and continuing users of modern methods of contraception.
  • Increase immediate postpartum FP services to six percent in Burkina Faso; 15.6 percent in Côte d’Ivoire; 70.8 percent in Niger and 10.7 percent in Togo.
  • Increase the percentage of postabortion care clients who leave the facility with a contraceptive method to 90 percent in Burkina Faso; 61.4 percent in Côte d’Ivoire; 86 percent in Niger and 53.2 percent in Togo.


  • Almost 400,000 FP clients visited the health facilities, including 93,213 new users.
  • Almost 300,000 CYP achieved by the health facilities.
  • Almost 900 providers oriented in systematic identification of clients’ needs in FP.
  • Over 500 providers trained on PPFP and DMPA-SC (Sayana Press).
  • Over 575 Community Health Workers (CHWs) trained and supervised in community-based distribution.

Program Information

Goal: To mobilize partners to expand access to, and utilization of, quality family planning services in the West Africa region.

Life of activity: June 26, 2018 – June 25, 2023

Total USAID Funding: $26.3 million

Geographic Focus: Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Niger, and Togo

Implementing Partner: Pathfinder International


Issuing Country 
Friday, October 22, 2021 - 6:45am

Last updated: October 22, 2021