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Speeches Shim


Uzbekistan is a vital U.S. partner in bolstering regional stability and cooperation. The country plays a pivotal role in forging regional stability, prosperity, and security in Central Asia and neighboring Afghanistan. Its natural resources, infrastructure, young and educated population, and reform-oriented government holds the potential to increase regional trade and bolster economic growth.


Yigirma toʻrt yoshli Shahnoza Abdurahmonova hozirgi kunda oʻz mahallasidagi koʻzga koʻringan kichik tadbirkorlardan biri. Аmmo bir necha yil muqaddam uning oilasi bazoʻr kun koʻrib, asosiy ehtiyojlarini qondirish uchun ham qiynalar edi. «Kommunal toʻlovlarni toʻlay olmaganimiz bois uyimizni elektr energiyasi va gaz ta’minotidan uzib qoʻyishgani sababli, mening yoki turmush oʻrtogʻimning ota-onasinikiga borib yashab yurgan paytlarimiz ham boʻlgan», - deydi Shahnoza.


As part of the United States Government’s comprehensive global response against the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) recently allocated an additional $2.5 million to Uzbekistan. This brings the total direct U.S. Government contribution to support Uzbekistan’s efforts to combat COVID-19 to over $16 million. USAID will use these additional funds to provide senior-level technical assistance on ensuring quality of medicines, and to address vaccine hesitancy in the country.


October 8, 2021 - Today, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) handed over high-performance liquid chromatography equipment to the Andijan Medicines Quality Control Laboratory. This laboratory equipment is necessary in the quality assurance testing of pharmaceutical products according to international best practices and standards.


O‘zbekistonning bir paytlar gullab-yashnagan gilos bozori oxirgi yillarda iqlim bilan bog‘liq bo‘lgan jiddiy muammolarga duch keldi. Og‘ir ob-havo sharoitlari, jumladan haroratning sovub ketishi va keskin o‘zgarib turishi katta hosil yo‘qotishlariga sabab bo‘ldi.


Last updated: January 24, 2022

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