West Africa Regional

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One of the world’s fastest growing regions, West Africa is quickly evolving. Each nation is endowed with diverse resources, and with trade and investment opportunities the region has the potential to yield inclusive social and economic development for millions of people. While slow growth, social and economic fragility and conflict are common challenges, countries are also connected by shared opportunities, which are transboundary in nature. Thus, cooperation on mutual issues is vital for self-reliance led by West African nations, who continue to work tirelessly together. 

The USAID West Africa Regional Mission partners with regional organizations, the private sector and with local partners to achieve peace and prosperity. Our strategic vision focuses on transnational, transboundary, and multi-country issues. Our regional program, encompassing 21 countries, reinforces and supports the United States Agency for International Development and the United States Government’s bilateral investments, moving the region toward greater freedom, prosperity, health, resilience, and, ultimately, sustainability. As we deliver our programmatic services at the local, national and regional levels, we engage with West Africans to leverage the benefits of collective action.

For information on the countries where we work, click on the map below.

Map of West Africa Regional Countries. Click to view more

Contact Information


P.O.Box 1630

Контакти у Вашингтоні

Craig Lamberton
1300 Pennsylvania Ave NW
, DC 

Last updated: May 09, 2022

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