Flag of Benin


Country contact shim

Speeches Shim

Benin is a stable and peaceful country that has maintained more than two decades of democratic governance, with the 2016 presidential elections marking sixth peaceful turnover of power since democracy was reestablished in the early 1990s. The country’s refurbished port, increased investments in infrastructure, and sustained economic growth rate of around 5 percent underscore Benin’s potential to move in the right direction. However, the country continues to face many of the same challenges related to the endemic poverty in the region.

Benin ranks 158 out of 189 countries on the Human Development Index. Almost half of the population lives in poverty and nearly a third of all children under five years old are stunted due to malnutrition. Regional disparities also remain a challenge, as do worrying levels of corruption that impede the flow of services to citizens. USAID has conducted assistance programs in Benin for over 50 years and has invested over half a billion dollars in the areas of health, education, economic growth, and democratic governance.

Contact Information


Marina Boulevard
01 BP 2012

Контакти у Вашингтоні

Craig Lamberton
1300 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
, DC 

Last updated: April 06, 2022

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